Closer pt.2 (18+)

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 I've decided to turn this book into third party POV, mainly to stop all the conflicting POVs that will be happening with all the characters but also because it engages the reader more with all these smut we got -lol. However if needed a person's POV may be brought in. The previous chapters will be revised during editing to reflect the same.

Warning : Smut 18+

Darren walked into their room, slammed the door behind him to vent his anger then threw himself on the bed. He was always confused with Justin, the guy always blew hot and cold where he was concerned and it pissed him off. Not because he still had a crush on JP, but because of how close JP was to Ryan and while he knew they were nothing but platonic friends, he just knew that JPs bad opinion of him had rubbed off on Ryan. 

It had always been so, the three of them had known each other since high school. JP had been such a pain to him then, the uber rich kid who had no qualms of letting his opinions known and when it had come to his opinion of Darren, everyone knew JP despised everything Darren was. When Ryan had joined him, quiet but equally as savage or worse, Darren had had to steer clear of them, and had for the most part succeeded until he'd joined NSB and found them there. He'd thought it the most epic twist of fate, that after years of avoiding them, he would be living with his enemies under the same roof for months. Yet after the initial dislikes and awkward navigations , they had for the most part formed a truce save for some moments like today where things exploded. 

Shifting to his side he started tracing the curved patterns of the white metal bed, then realized the shower was running and tried to figure out who it would have been. Being that Ryan was the only one not in Seb's bathroom and Darren had been the first to leave, he figured it was him. An image filled his head of Ryan's lithe body glistening with water and he felt balls grow heavy. He cursed himself in his thoughts, exhausted with his body's reaction to the older one. It was one thing to lust after his friends, for surely one would have to be both blind and a monk to not be attracted to them, but it was something else entirely to lust after someone who hated him and of that Ryan had made himself very clear. It wasn't that Ryan was an easy person to read, he rarely spoke, had a resting poker face and often said the opposite of what he meant unless he was being mean in which case he had no problem of  mincing his words. Yet even with that, he would throw gentle smiles towards the rest of the members and he'd even sometines overcome his dislike of being touched, all for them.  They often joked about Ryan's hugs which were famed for being the best hugs amongst the group even though no one could explain why and it wasn't like Darren would ever know. The few times he'd been unable to help himself and had sneakily touched or outright force hugged Ryan, he'd been met with such unyielding resistance and Ryan would be so mad at him afterwards that he'd kept reducing their frequency. Still, he'd been surprised by how much it hurt to watch Ryan be kind and gentle to everyone but him. He was always laughing with Justin, but everyone knew theirs was a special relationship, but he'd also act contently safe with Oli, he'd even let Oli kiss him in a dare last week, and he was especially close to Seb, but Darren knew Seb would never do him like that. His biggest concern was the close relationship Ryan had with Regie. They had somehow instantly connected, probably a quiet guys club thing and often he'd caught them gazing at each other with an odd tenderness....thinking about it made Darren's skin crawl.  

He suddenly sat up as a strange thought stuck in his head: JP had been chewing him out for being all over Regie's personal space, he had wondered briefly if JP had a crush on Regie but judging by what he'd seen and heard between Oli and him, he discarded that thought. Even so, Darren's mind would not settle throwing rapid ideas he was having a hard time keeping up with. He kept replaying the fight in his head along with the strange affectionate gazes between Regie and Ryan. Could it be that JP was trying to defend Ryan. He felt his heart constrict painfully. He'd been burying his head in the sand, refusing to accept that something was happening there, but now he had prove and it hurt him more than he could have admitted. An insane part of his mind, wanted to lay a claim on Ryan, leave a hickey, piss on him or f...he dug his fingers into his hair, to stop his insanity. Trying to find the silver lining in it, he realized it was about time anyway, he needed something like it to happen to reign his crush. 

Close Association (Sebastian Moy v Regie Macalino)On viuen les histories. Descobreix ara