Secret is out

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It was later in the day and we were making food together, it was going to be macaroni cheese which was one of my favorites. Lumi suggested it but I'm not sure because I didn't need comfort. It didn't take too long to make and we sat at the couch continuing to watch Doctor who.

"Why suggest Doctor Who, specifically the 13th Doctor and macaroni for food, is something going on?" I questioned.

"Is there something you want to tell me?" they questioned.

"No I don't think so, there's nothing to tell," I knew they wouldn't have moved on.

"You know I would never judge you and would support you whatever it is," they assured me.

"If you knew what it was then you wouldn't be saying that anymore," I was sick of hiding honestly.

It was getting tiring sneaking around and it was pretty stressful to keep something like this a secret especially since I have been hiding it for years. What would they think of me after though? If they knew the truth, would they still be able to love me? I don't think they would see me as the same anymore if they were to find out. I couldn't hide it forever though and I would rather intentionally tell them than them accidentally finding out.

After we finished eating I took them with me to the suitcase, they asked a lot why it was still out and why I never put it away. They opened the case because I couldn't bring myself to. They looked through the things first not with disgust or disappointment like I expected but with curiosity and awe.

"So you're a regressor?" they asked to which I nodded.

"I wish you would have told me sooner, I mean you've been doing so well taking care of yourself," they praised and I smiled at that.

This wasn't the reaction I was expecting but I just felt so happy right now because they were ok with it. They still loved me and they weren't running away screaming, some tears fell. They seemed concerned when they saw me and hugged me but there was no need. These were tears of happiness and relief, it felt like a huge weight was lifted from me.

"I'm so proud of you for telling me, I understand why you didn't," they assured me.

"I just over-thought things so it made it really hard, I regressed when you were out which wasn't much but still helped," it didn't really though but maybe a bit.

"Well I know now and it seems you don't have much so how about we go shopping tomorrow, we have a spare room and I wasn't sure what we use it for but it could be your regression room if you would like?" they asked.

"Yes please," I answered with a smile.

"We also talk more about this tomorrow?" that made me surprised but happy they were curious about it.

"Yeah I would like that," I replied smiling.

It was late so we both got ready for bed and I was so happy to be accepted, I changed into my PJ's and got a paci. It usually fell out while I was sleeping anyways plus it was an adult one. Lumi got a bottle of juice ready for me in case I got thirsty in the night but was too tired to make myself a drink. They held me close and I felt so safe, I snuggled close and fell asleep into calm dreams. 

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