Broken Arm

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Anyways, Josh's eyes look fucking beautiful in this picture too. It makes me just wanna rip his eyes out of his eye sockets so i can have them. 🙃



Josh was still getting bullied by Mully everyday. Mully did not show mercy when it came to bullying. But there was an exception for one boy in particular. Mully loved to mess with this boy. In fact he loved the boy. the boy was Josh. Josh was always Mully's main victim Mully just liked being around him but he didnt want to show weakness so he bullied him. Mully never really hurt Josh, the most he does is a bloody nose or black eye. He always made sure he didnt hurt him too much because he doesnt really want to hurt him

He made sure to never hurt him.

until one day...

It wasnt a normal day at school today. Josh was heading to his first period class usually when he turns the corner to his classroom is when Muly attacks. josh hesitantly turned the corner expecting to be tripped or hit or something He turned the corner and to his surprise Mully was not in sight. No hes probably playing a trick. Josh thought as he hastily hurried to his first perriod class. He made it to his class and sat down. Josh's mood turned better because he thought Mully just was gone today.


The bell rang and everybody put their stuff away. Josh was at his locker when all of the sudden a kid ran up to him. "What the hell did you do to Mully to make him so mad at you?!" The kid cried out. josh looked at him with a confused face. "what are you talking about?" josh asked the kid said "theres a rumor going around that Mully said he's gonna jump you!" the kid yelled. "What!?" josh yelled. "but i didn't do anything to him!" he cried. the kid sighed as he started to walk away he patted josh on the back, "just watch your back man." the kid said "yeah thanks for warning me." Josh replied. "No problem." the kid said as he walked to his next class. Josh went to his second period class in this class Mully sits behind him. He sat in his seat and saw that Mully wasn't in class even after the bell rang. But Josh had to pee. he raised his hand, the teacher sighed. "What is it Josh?" She asked. "Can I use the bathroom?" Josh asked. the teacher looked at him. "Can you?" She asked. Josh sighed he hated when teachers did that. "May I use the bathroom.?" Josh asked again. The teacher sighed and said, "Yes Josh, you may go use the bathroom. But be quick, you have to use the bathroom every single day in this period!" Josh got up from his seat and went to the bathroom. He walked in the empty bathroom and did his business. He walked out of the stall and got pushed up against the wall. He looked up and saw Mully. "I knew i'd find you here." Mully snickered. Josh froze. "What do you want Mully." Josh said. "Don't gotta be so rude." Mully scoffed. "Says you." Josh rolled his eyes. "You wanna be a smart-ass?" Mully said as he smacked Josh. He grabbed Josh and threw him on the ground. Josh got up and walked towards the exit but Mully blocked him from leaving. "What the hell Mully! let me out im gonna get in trouble if a stay for too long. "Oh havent you heard the rumors?" He asked him with a grin on his face. Josh thought back to after first period what that kid said. "theres a rumor going around that Mully said he's gonna jump you!" Those words repeated in his head as he got scared.

Josh: 'don't show weakness' he thought

Mully grabbed Josh and threw him against the wall again. He punched him in the guts knocking the wind out of him. Josh fell on the floor because he was out of breath, he gasped for air. "Later loser." Mully said as he left the bathroom. Josh slowly got up taking deep breaths. He ran out of the bathroom and ran bac to his classroom. "Mrs. Smith is gonna be pissed!" He thought. he walked in the classroom and Mrs. Smith gave him  look that showed she was not happy. "What were you doing in there?! That took you forever!" She yelled. "sorry." Josh rolled his eyes as he went over and sat in front of Mully.

The rest of the day went good until lunch time. They were coming back from lunch. When the kids come back from lunch they are always just walking in a big crowd towards the high school lockers area. As they were walking Mully kept flat-tiring Josh and making him trip. Josh turned around. "Stop flat-tiring me dick!" He yelled at him. Mully shoved Josh forward making him run into the crowd. "Fuck off Mully!" He yelled. "What are you gonna do about it?" Mully snickered. Josh turned around and punched Mully in the face. Mully fought back. He threw Josh to the ground and they started swinging at each other. All the other people were backed up gathered around them and watching the fight. Some kids recorded it. They were throwing hands in the commons area. Mully didnt really know what was happening he was just swinging with his eyes closed. He grabbed Josh's arm and started swinging at his face. Suddenly a loud 'SNAP' echoed across the room. Whispers and horrified sounds came from the crowd along will a horrifying cry from Josh. Just then some techers ran in and pulled Mully away. That's when Mully looked at Josh. He was laying on the floor clutching his arm which was bent backwards. His face was red and tears ran down his cheeks. Mully immediately felt guilt and shame. He felt horrible. The teachers yelled at the students to get back to class as the other teachers helped Josh they took him to the hospital.

Josh was out of school for 2 weeks. while he was out of school all of the kids were talking about it and sending the video to everybody. after a while Josh came back to school. Mully got expelled for another week so he couldn't apologize to Josh. After another week past, Mully came back to school. It didn't take long for them to run into each other in the bathroom. They sat in silence.  "I'm sorry about the fight and your arm and all that.." Mully said. Josh sighed a shaky breath. "It's fine... I was the one who started it anyways..." Josh said. "I didn't mean to hurt you that much though." Mully said. "Awh does Mully have a soft spott~" He teased. Mully blushed. "W-whatever! Don't make me break your other arm!" Mully cried. They both laughed. "This doesn't make us friends." Mully smiled as he walked out of the bathroom and Josh was okay with that.

Words: 1200

I am such a good storyteller don'cha think ( ͡^ ͜ʖ ͡^ )

next chapter prolly has smut

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