The Newest Dickhead

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Mully rarely ever sticks up for Josh. His other bullies mainly do the same thing as Mully just beats him a little. But if somebody gets too violent Mully is not afraid to step in and help him. He loves Josh just as much as he hates him (which is a lot). It was first period when the whole school was introduced to a new student. The new student's name was Jack, he looked really strong and he became popular fast. Josh was called to the office to show him around. He got to the office and walked in. "Josh you will show Jackson around the school." Said the principal. Josh nodded as they both left the room.

Josh started showing him around. This new kid was tall as hell. Jackson was like 7 feet taller than Josh and Jack was only 5'11. They walked by the lunch room. "This is the lunch room, lunch is $5." Josh said. Jackson grabbed Josh's arm. "That's why I need your money." Josh looked up at him. "What.?" He asked. Jackson threw him against the wall. "I said, Give me your FUCKING money." He demanded. "Hell no man! I need it for lunch!" Josh cried. "I don't give a fuck about what you need just give me the money!" He yelled. Josh stood his ground even though Jackson was way taller and way stronger than him.

"You think your weak ass can beat me?" Jackson laughed. Josh stayed quiet. He knew he can't beat Jackson but he had his money stolen too much. "Shit there is cameras out here." Jack mumbled loud enough for Josh to hear, he grabbed his arm and dragged him to the bathroom. he make sure nobody was taking a shit and went in and threw Josh to the floor. "Give me the fucking money." He demanded. Josh was scared as hell but he was also starving. "Fine i will give you two choices." Josh nodded. "Give me the money or I beat you up." He offered. "I' not goving u shit." Josh snarled. Jackson smiled, "Very well then." He punched Josh in the face and gave him a nose bleed. He punched him the rest of the time on his body hidden by his clothes so it was not noticeable. Josh got up and managed to run out of the bathroom. He ran as fast as he could but Jackson was faster. Right as Jackson was about to grab Josh the bell rand and kids came running out of classes and let Josh escape. Josh hid in the bathroom. In second period Mully realized that Josh was gone. "Can i go to the bathroom?" He asked, "Yes." the teacher said. Mully got up and ran to the bathroom. He saw the only stall that was closed and knew it had to be Josh.

He crawled under the stall and when he got up he saw Josh with blood on his face and a little tears in his eyes. "Josh whats wrong!" Mully asked because he got worried. He scared Josh a little. Josh stayed quiet. Mully pulled Josh and hugged him. "I know you know i bully you a lot but you can tell me anything." Mully said to Josh. "It was just the other boys. It was an accident." Josh said. Mully didn't believe him tho. But he decided to believe him then. "Okay, they better be careful because i'm sure they didn't mean to." Mully said and then he left the bathroom. Josh wiped off the blood and then went to class and sat in front of Mully.

Then second period and third period and then they went to lunch. Mully immediately realized that Josh wasnt there he left the lunch room to go look for him.


Jackson hold Josh by his shirt in the air. "L-Let me go!" Josh cried. "Shut up! Other people are going to hear you!" He yelled and he slammed him to the ground. Josh let out a pained cry as his head hit the ground. Jackson jumped on him and started punching him. there was bruises and blood everywhere.

Mully was in the hallway. He heard whimpers from the bathroom and went in and saw Jackson choking Josh out. Mully ran up to him and kicked him in the balls. Jackson let go of Josh and ran away. Mully ran up to Josh and squeezed him in his arms. "Why didn't you tell me what he was doing?" Mully asked. Josh had tears running down his face. "I-I don't know..." He mumbled. Mully hugged Josh. "Josh even though i bully you i still care about you." Mully said. Josh hugged Mully. "Come on lets clean you up." Mully said and he grabbed the first aid kit for Josh.

Mully bandaged Josh up. "Lets go to lunch Josh." Said Mully. "I can't Jackson stole my money." Josh said. "I'll pay for your food. now lets go."

Word count: 821

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