Mully x Josh Special

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(ok but im wearing relly long nails rn so its hard to type in all cap so no more caps)

The time I'm starting this the book has 63 reads but it gaining reads quickly so i better get writing a bit earlier.


Josh and Mully were at the park together enjoying nature when Mully's psycho ex came out and hugged Mully. "What the fuck do you want bitch?" Mully yelled at her. "Th-that's no way to talk to a woman.." She said sadly. "I never really have beaten a woman before but I'm not scared to beat you." Mully threatened. His psycho ex ran away.

The interaction at the park that day oddly only encouraged her more. Josh and Mully were facing each other and talking when Mully's ex came up behind Josh and grasped him by the neck and slammed him to the ground behind her, causing a gasp made up of a choke and pain from Josh. "Hii Mully!" She said cheerfully. Mully shoved her out of the way and went to help Josh.

Mully ran and helped Josh up and checked if he was ok. When his ex saw that, she was not happy. Rage ran through her body. "You are supposed to be acknowledging me!" She whined. Mully turned around "You think i am going to give you attention after you slammed my best friend to the ground then u fucking retarded gurl!" Mully snapped The ex ran away crying.

She went back to her house. "Maybe if I change he will love me!" She thought. She went and transformed into a baddie😎 😜😘😩. She was slaying the day away but she wasn't really she just thought she was. She was wearing one of those shirts that are basically just a vest but just covers the boobs and tie in the front and some baddie pants and some long baddie nails"Now he will love me!" She said because she was in love. She went to the park and saw Mully and Josh was standing next to him. She went up and tapped Mully's shoulder. "Hey baby do you love bc i am a baddie now?" mully looked discussed. Mully watched her in grossment as she started slaying and saying baddie things like "SLAY QUEEN! PURR! YASS QUEEN POP OFF QUEEN SLAYYYYYYY!" Mully was scared and he ran away and the girl ex cried. "It didn't work" she cried and ran home. "Maybe he like softies!" She had the idea and she ran to the store and went to buy all of the cute pastel pink and skirts and plushies and cute bows and went to put it on She put on the outfit which was a crop top  but not that short and a cute little skirt they were both decorated with pink and blue cute things. She ran back to Mully and tapped him. He looked like his eyes hurt looking at her. "H-Hewo Mully.. I made this outfit special for you! D-Do you l-like it?" She said in a cute voice. "die in a fire." Mully said. The ex ran back home crying. "Maybe he likes furries!" She thought. She went on Wish and bought a pretty sexy pink fursuit for $10000000000. It arrived in 5 mins. She quickly put the fursuit on and ran out the door. "Hopefully Mully likes me now because I spent a lot of money on this." She UwUed.

She went up to Mully again and tapped him on his shoulder again. Mully immediately looked like he was gonna throw up. "Hiya! UwU! Purr! Rawr! UwU! UwU! UwU!" She wagged her tail and barked. "I'm your little kitten!" She UwUed. "AAAAHH OMG KILL IT WITH FIRE!" He yelled. He ran up and pulled her tail. "GET THIS SHIT OFF!" He pulled her tail and it made her moan. Mully was traumatized. He ran away. "Being a furry didn't work either!" She started to cry. She ran home crying to try to think of more ideas. "Maybe if I be emo!" She went and bought the darkest clothes and makeup she could find. She put cuts on her wrists and made her mascara look like she was crying. She ran to where Mully was again and tapped him on the shoulder. He looked terrified. "M-Mully... I love you but if you don't be with me, I am gonna kill myself." She cried. "First of all not all emos are like that and second of all if you died than you would leave me alone so I do not care." Mully turned away.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 30, 2023 ⏰

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