Chapter Eleven

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Jungkook's POV:

When I woke up, I felt something heavy around me. I looked back and saw Taetae hugging me tightly. Therefore, I turned around with a little difficulty but smiled once I was face-to-face with Taetae. I slowly started tracing my finger on his face. When my finger went to his lips, he suddenly bit my finger. As I was about to pull my finger in shock, he took it in his mouth, holding it with his teeth.

I started pulling it while whining, but suddenly stopped when he got on top of me. His fingers slowly started tracing around my body while my finger was still in his mouth. I was shocked at his action while he smirked at me, and his finger dangerously got close to my nipples. I don't know since I was this horny, but I wanted him. As I was waiting for pleasure to come,

He started tickling me. I started laughing loudly and shouting for help. He continued doing it until I was finally out of breath. He pulled out, making me sigh in relief.

"Did you like me teasing you, bun?", he asked teasingly.

I blushed but tried to hide my face by running to the bathroom.

After we freshened up, we went downstairs and saw everyone waiting for us. We said our greetings, but I gasped when Taetae suddenly pulled me to his lap. I squeaked at the action.

As I was about to stand up, Taetae looked at me sternly, and I pouted before sitting comfortably on his lap.

We started eating our breakfast, but I was falling asleep because I couldn't sleep properly last night.

"Kook, baby, why are you sleepy?", appa asked.

"Appa , me, and Kook couldn't sleep last night", Taehyung said, annoyed.

"You piece of sh*t, why would you ruin my kook's innocence, then have the guts to tell me that I fucked your son-in-law", appa suddenly shouted.

I choked on my food when appa said that.

"APPA, that wasn't what I was saying. I was saying you and Eomma couldn't stop your playtime, so Kook couldn't sleep. Because of you two, both the innocence and sleep of my little boo-boo bear are ruined", Taehyung said with a done face.

I looked at appa and laughed loudly when I saw his red face, but we were interrupted when we heard a very familiar voice.

"I see enjoying without me", I looked back and saw .....................................

Namjoon hyung stood there while smiling softly. I got out of Taetae's lap and ran towards Namjoon hyung and jumped on him.

Luckily, he caught me in time.

"Careful, Bub", he warned.

But our hug didn't last long as I was snatched by someone, which caused me to whine but stopped immediately when I saw it was Taetae. I know how possessive he is, so I wouldn't want to make him jealous of past experiences. He gives hard and rough punishments, so I avoid making him jealous however I can. I snuggled into his chest and sighed softly while mumbling a soft sorry.

He looked down at me and smiled softly while pecking my lips, "No problem, bun".

Everyone went to greet Namjoon hyung except Taetae. I don't know why he hates Namjoonie hyung so much. I guess it's because he gets jealous. I shrugged off the thought and nudged him to greet hyung. He groaned but greeted Namjoonie hyung anyway with a small hello. That's what I like about Taetae. Even if he doesn't want to do something, he'll do it for me. Except when it comes to my safety.

Taehyung's POV:

"So Namjoon, is everything alright? What is the cause of your visit?", I asked, annoyed.

"Yes, Taehyungssi, everything is alright. I just heard that you guys found little bun, so I came to visit", Namjoon answered formally.

"You didn't need to", I replied rudely.

"Taehyung, respect your elders", said appa sternly.

I kept quiet because stern appa is scary appa. I don't know why they love this stupid man so much. He doesn't have anything special, and since childhood, I have gotten weird vibes from him.

All of us went to the dining table and started eating.

Unconsciously, I wrapped my arms tighter around Jungkook. I got out of my thoughts when I felt a spoon in front of my lips.I looked at the spoon, then at Kook. He was smiling cutely at me, and I ate the food that Kook was feeding me silently.

After we finished, all of us went to the living room and sat down. I noticed Namjoon coming to sit near Jungkook, so I took Jungkook and sat with him on my lap on the single couch.

I smirked toward Namjoon when Kook snuggled into my chest. Namjoon looked weirdly at me and sat down on the couch next to Appa. They started talking, but I didn't listen to those things because I have a little bunny sitting in my lap while blubbering cutely. I was humming to everything he was saying. I don't know why, but I felt a pair of eyes on us, but when I looked around, I didn't see anything. I shrugged it off and put my attention on Jungkook again.

I noticed that Kook was getting sleepy, so I excused myself and went with Kook in my arms to our shared room. I laid him softly on our bed and laid next to him. He put his head on my chest.

"Taetae, why do you hate Namjoonie hyung so much? Like, you don't even let me sit next to him, but you don't mind when Jiminie or Yoonie hug me or put me on their lap", he asked innocently.

I sighed because even I don't know the answer to that.

"Because I'm scared" "Scared of what" "Of him being someone I doubt" "Taetae who are you saying is who?" "I'm saying the one that you're saying is the one that I think is the one" "Who is this who?" "Leave it, bun" "No, tell me" "Bun, I said to leave it", this time I said sternly.

He pouted and turned his face to the other side. I locked him in my arms when he was trying to run away.

I suddenly took his earlobe in my teeth, which caused him to become completely still.

"You heard what appa said in the morning that you need to respect your elders", I said with a deep voice.

"But you're my hubby", he said, stuttering.

"Ohh hubby?", I smirked.

"Yeah", he said while blushing furiously.

"Ok, then my wifey", I smiled.

He turned towards me, laid on top of me, and glared cutely at me, "Just because I'm laying on top of you doesn't mean I forgive you".

"Ok, got it, but can I at least hold your butt while cuddling with you?", I said innocently.

"No", Jungkook said, shaking his head.

"But why?", I whined.

"Because I said so", he said with a smug look.

"Fine, then I'll hold Alissa's butt while cuddling", and that's the moment I knew I fucked up because Kook was looking so scary now.

He suddenly sat straight.

"Kook, I'm sorry. I was just joking", I said, scared.

But he didn't answer. He just went down, which caused me to gulp.

"Kook what are you doing?", I asked, afraid.

He still didn't answer me. He went lower, dangerously close to my throbbing soldier, who was standing proudly to enter his country with pride.

Before I knew what was happening, he got down from the bed and went towards the door while saying, "you go to your Alissa to help you with your soldier, and I'll go to Namjoon hyungie to help me with my land".

With that, he left, closing the door.

Once I got what he meant, I hurriedly got up and went towards the door quickly.

But when I opened the door, the scene in front of me made my blood boil because, in front of me, there was.......

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