Opening Sequence

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A woman drags herself out of a wreckage of an aircraft. This fragment of recollection is cut to a close-up of the woman's face. She's frozen in intense expression, still grasping the piece of memory. She's sitting in another craft, which is experiencing quite the turbulence, and she's sharing it with a crew. They're a military unit of the Kree civilization, called the Starforce. The shot turns a bit tilted as a lieutenant, Korath, strolls through the crew and we follow him as he speaks out words of confidence as they near the battle. The crew is made-up of Minn-Erva, marksman; Bron-Char, heavy duty; and Ke-Ton, a rookie.

Korath rounds back and stands by the woman. Our view is her face again. "Private Vers", he calls to her. She doesn't answer. "Vers!", he calls again. She's still stuck to her remembering. "Little miss Mar-Vell!", Bron-Char calls her as a mockery. This breaks her out of the spell. "Little miss Bron-Char", Minn-Erva snarks, in defense of Vers. "Enough!", Korath demands. "Nervous, Private?", he asks Vers. "I'll take it from here, Lieutenant", someone interjects. He poses higher authority to Korath, but bends down to Vers. Face-to-face with her, it's revealed that this is Captain Mar-Vell. "You're doing well, Vers", he tells her. "Sir?", she asks back. "Trembling I was on my first time. You're doing a better job than first timer me."

The lights onboard turn red, the craft shakes harder than it was just before. "Starforce! Ready to eject!", Korath commands. Mar-Vell returns to his position and Vers readies herself. The restraints on the seats tighten. One by one, the unit ejects out on their seats, which repurpose into jetpacks. Vers remains until a blast has the craft breaks apart. Once she ejects, she gets to see their craft blown into fireball by a shot.

Screen cuts to black and the title appears:

The title is supposed to appear abruptly a la Lethal Weapon 2, but I think the prologue makes it closer to Iron Man.

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