Act II

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A pod comes into a planet's atmosphere and burns up a bit. It crashes into an empty factory, where a security guard and his dog saw it all came down. He goes to inspect the crater, but suddenly finds himself into the spotlight of a car. Three men emerge, while a fourth remains. "One poke at that crater, we're confiscating your finger", said one of the men. "Hey, fellas, have at it. Just leave it spotless once you're done. I don't know what kinda story I could sell my boss with this", the guard remarks. He then asks, "You're pretty quick, even for authorities. Which is what, by the way?". All three show their badge — The black one with military haircut is named Carl, the the German with thin hairline and ponytail is named Hans, and the Asian-American is named Uli; and they're all with SHIELD. The guard and his dog walk away. The three goes to the crater and opens the pod, with Talos emerging out of it. They greet him as their leader, revealing that they are fellow Skrulls. Into the car Talos goes, greeted by the fourth person, Dharri. The latter informs him that their station was blown up and a second pod has landed on the same planet, likely in pursuit of him. Talos curses Norex for the bad news. On the good news, the information regarding Hala's defense system Talos stole from the Kree Military Intelligence Office allow the Skrulls to proceed with their main objective. Dharri asks what the orders on the second pod. Talos turns to a human, puts on a pair of glasses, and retrieves his badge, depicting him as SHIELD Director Keller. "The orders? Hunt her down."

Level Two-Clearence SHIELD agent Nick Fury is the passenger to Agent Johnson in his car. The latter is the tense one. "What's with you?", Fury asks. "A flashing light was just spotted on the other side of the city and you're not bothered?" "Unless it's sent directly from Moscow, then no". Fury would rather place mind in their mission at hand, which is tailing a possible spy. A message gets on his pager, telling them and several other units to inspect the meteorite. Fury responds to accept. "Moscow or not, it's our business now. I hope you're happy even if it's just a goddamn St. Elmo's Fire". Vers awakens amidst a pile of rubble. The pod is destroyed. A large gaping hole is in the ceiling. She walks out the building, revealing it's a Blockbuster. The green typography states that this is Los Angeles, Earth, circa 1991. Outside the Blockbuster, two skaters saw the whole thing. Vers says to them, "Private Vers of the Kree Starforce, here to report my presence".

A radio station greets its listeners as dawn breaks into morning, and the starting-the-day song is Stevie Wonder's Skeletons. The whole city turns orange like it's shot by Jan de Bont or Tony Scott and we get a montage of the city. We get a shot of '90s L.A. traffic on the highway. And then the people — We move back and forths between several, all in '90s fashion, before setting on two young men, with one of them carrying a cassette boombox. Vers passes them and our shot stays with her; the two men taking the song with them. She finds the radio station that was broadcasting and climbs its tower. Attaching her comm tech onto it, she contacts Mar-Vell in Hala. "How do we make certain it's truly you, Vers?", he asks. "Little Miss Mar-Vell reporting for duty, sir", she answers. She states that she's landed on Earth im her pursuit of Talos. Mar-Vell tells her to remain while they go to collect her. In Hala, Mar-Vell requests to Ronan a destroyer ship be sent to Earth. Ronan scorns the decision, "A destroyer? To retrieve your pet?". Mar-Vell states, "Talos has returned to that planet. The last time you sent me there, I was on my own and he got away. Get me my destroyer!". While sitting up on the tower, Vers looks at the sky. An airliner crosses the cloud and the sound of the jet catches her attention. Suddenly, another piece of her memory returns — It was a similar sky that she flew in before she crashed. It didn't seem to be the sky in Hala. As she pulls herself out the wreckage, a part of it is branded "USAF". Vers snaps back to present day, puzzled.

Fury and Johnson are questioning the two skaters, who tell them a general description of Vers. "Never thought real E.T. could be quite the babe", one of them speaks of her. "E.T.?", Fury asks. "E.T. phone home? She was looking for a spot to call home. I told her to look for a radio tower". "And you talk in... what? Klingon?". "Regular talk, dude". The two SHIELD agents enter their car with more questions. "Honeypot?", Johnson guesses. "For whom? Those kids? Admit it, partner. This is bust. Nothing the FBI couldn't handle", Fury states. But nonetheless, Johnson persuades him to follow through as they do have a lead, "The radio station is a drive away, same path as HQ". "Alright", Fury sighs, but agrees, "But tomorrow's lunch is on you".

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