Act I

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We see the landscape of a planet. The sky is orange-reddish and dusky, with green lasers shooting upwards; enemy forces down below assaulting the Kree armada above. The typography, green '90s computer font, on bottom-left of the shot states this is on the planet Torfa. The Starforce unit lands on their jetpacks. Mar-Vell rebriefs his unit: They are to recover the Kree spy Soh-Larr, who may hold crucial information on their enemy, the Skrulls. A ruined temple is where their subject may be. Mar-Vell and Korath lead them inside, however, Vers is instructed to remain and secure perimeter alongside Ke-Ton. Vers objects, "Sir, I'm ready now". "Yes, you are", Mar-Vell says, "But the perimeter must be secured".

Inside the ruins, signs of a brutal battle the unit finds. They reach Soh-Larr, who is wounded, presumably due to the battle. Minn-Erva goes to his aid, but is stopped by Mar-Vell. "What's your daughter's name?", he asks Soh-Larr. He looks over to Korath, who tells him, "It's part of the protocol". Soh-Larr returns to Mar-Vell, "I've a son, not a daughter. Soh-Tarr's his name". Korath nods to Mar-Vell, having it verified. Mar-Vell then asks their subject once more, "What's the name of his pet?". Soh-Larr pauses. Mar-Vell wastes no time and shoots him dead. The body immediately turns into that of a Skrull. "This is a set-up!", shouted Bron-Char. "Then the mastermind must be near...", Mar-Vell utters, "...Talos is here".

Ke-Ton and Vers are guarding the perimeter, with unenthusiasm on her part. Ke-Ton is more accepting of the task and position. He believes heroes can come from anywhere. Their unit then appear, exiting the ruins. "Soh-Larr is dead, it's all a set-up", Mar-Vell remarks, and promptly makes new command, "Radio a request to station, send a chariot to have us extracted". Ke-Ton does as told, but after the contact, he receives a radio call from Mar-Vell from inside the ruins. "It's all a set-up... subject is dead. New objective: We re-group." This transmission is heard by everyone, including the imposter unit. Ke-Ton alerts as quick as he could of a second ambush, before he is expired by "Mar-Vell", who turns into Talos. The fake "Korath" turns into Talos's second-in-command

The rest of the unit also turns to their true Skrull forms, subduing Vers. "Mar-Vell's always have roles perfectly filled in his unit. If that poor fella's on the radio, what's yours?", he taunts Vers. As a response, she concentrates photon energy onto her hands and blasts the Skrulls. It's five of them against her with hands of blasters. Vers is outmatched by their melee skill. The Skrulls are savages, after all. Her powers only come in handy in blasting herself as evasion, blasting herself onto the Skrulls, or just generally blasting herself.

The extraction chariot arrives. Out of it comes fellow Krees to Vers's aid. Not long after, "Little Miss Mar-Vell!", Bron-Char shouted; the unit has exit the ruins and join in on the fight. A couple of Skrulls fall dead and seemingly with that, Talos orders his unit to fall back. Mar-Vell takes aim for Talos, but one of the Kree pilots insists they retreat; the armada must retreat. Mar-Vell is frustrated of having to let go his shot at his nemesis.

Away from the battlefield planet, into a futuristic Roman, seemingly utopian planet. The green typography on the bottom left states that this is Hala. The armada returns where the Kree high command awaits. Korath remarks to Mar-Vell, "It's the second half of the battle". An exhausted Mar-Vell could only chuckle.

The next day, a military parade is held through the city. Flags bearing pictures of Soh-Larr and Ke-Ton and others who were killed are raised. A chariot is leading it all and it carries Mar-Vell and his unit. In the balconies, men and women express their gratitude for their soldiers, but particularly send their love for Mar-Vell. He lets them know he received them. While the rest of them wave at the crowd, a rather despondent Vers stands behind her commander. "Vers, the Captain knows our place best", Minn-Erva assures her. "Exactly by his shadow", Bron-Char interjects, "Mar-Vell's little miss here is nothing but his toy". Vers replies, "This toy whooped more ass on Torfa than you." "Getting rag-dolled ain't much of an ass-whooping!" "It's already a hell lot of more than just calling names, Bron-Char!"

At the citadel, Mar-Vell salutes Loh-Tarr and the parents of Ke-Ton. They look up to him, especially the young one. Immediately after the minor ceremony, he attends a war council. Among the attendees is Ronan, the odd one being a politician than a military figure. "I do hope you remember the parade was not for you, Captain Mar-Vell, but for our people into thinking Torfa was a victory", told Ronan. "And I sure hope you remember it was your strategy us Starforce used over there", Mar-Vell retorts. "Be settled!", said by a voice made up of hundreds - It is the council's director, the Supreme Intelligence, who only appears as a disembodied voice on their form of computer. Ronan seeks audience in him, calling out Mar-Vell as falling short of his promise for a "superweapon", and he adds, "Captain Mar-Vell's little project has not shown it is worth violation of our protocols". Mar-Vell again retorts, repeating that the strategy they used by Ronan was faulty, the whole operation was based on his outdated intel - Crucially, their subject of extraction have been long dead. "My superweapon is not a subject of relevance for this matter". The Supreme Intelligence tells the politician, "Ronan, you must not underestimate the Skrulls. As savage as they are, the war is presently in their favor". But it also agrees with him in that Mar-Vell's promise has yet to come realized. He simply says, "It will be ready when the time comes". He then comes close to Ronan and whispers, "You envy the cheers they have for me, but you never bare the losses I have."

In his private quarter, Vers come visit as a guest. She came to speak out her mind, "You saved my life... on that crash. It's the only piece of my past I could recall, so I'll always thank you. But this power I have... it means for something greater than perimeter guard. But I'm... not". "Is it the moniker, Vers?", he asks her back, "Bron-Char is merely testing you. He does that with every new members. Give time and he'll like you as you'll like him". He then tells her, "Vers, I didn't save you because of your gift."

At a hangar, one of the pilots who performed the extraction earlier is tricking out one of the chariots. A fellow pilot calls to him, but he doesn't respond. Odd, he thinks, so he approaches him. The pilot inadvertently turns into a Skrull and kills him. A compartment in the helion is broken up and other Skrulls — The ambush on Torfa has its tails. The trespassers are immediately known, however, and Hala goes into lockdown. Starforce units are assembled to neutralize the threats. In the line-up, Korath chooses to keep Vers in perimeter duty. Vers is visibly underwhelmed and Bron-Char grins as his reaction.

Some of the Skrulls act as decoy, while a couple of key operatives head over to a Kree Military Intelligence Office. Bron-Char comes across some of the decoys. He kills one of them, but the other, of his similar size, manages to brawl him. Vers, against orders, comes to the scene and the Skrull shifts into Bron-Char. She shoots one. "How'd you know I'm me?", he went. And she only winks as response. Off she goes with Att-Las and Minn-Erva onto the rest of the Skrulls. Cornering them, they get into a melee. She tries to avert last time, as she says herself, "Not this time". Vers throws herself using her blasters and ends up managing herself by gymnastics, and then beating them. A tardy Korath comes into the scene and seems impressed. "Where did that come from?", he asks. "Ragdolls, sir", she replies.

Mar-Vell goes to secure the Intelligence Office and brushes with several of the officers being evacuated. He bumps into one of them, one he holds very suspiciously. Mar-Vell slowly follows him, but his subject knows he's been marked and flees. Mar-Vell states over the comm, "Talos is here! I'm in pursuit, he's heading back to the hangar!". Vers overhears the orders and gives chase, against Korath's scorns and order. Mar-Vell agrees with Korath, ordering her to retreat. She assures him she can manage. She climbs into the helion, but Talos forwards into hyperspace, throwing her into the back. She collects herself into consciousness to find she's already in a Skrull space station, held captive. She is then brought forward onto Talos, who tells her, "Your power is meant for greater purpose than just securing perimeter". "I agree", she replies, "That's why I just had myself promoted!". She goes to strike him, but is subdued by a tech attached to her that seems to repell her powers. "I know it better than you do. Originally developed for flight... but, well, like any energy, it got around for other uses". "Speaking of it, boss...", interrupted Norex, one of his lieutenant. Talos decides to tend the other matter. He orders of Vers' execution and leaves on a pod. Norex decides to taunt his prisoner before the killing. "You heard Talos, you're only being used by the Krees. And they didn't even use you properly", he mocks, as he repeatedly zaps her using the tech. Vers notices this and throws herself into him for a fight. In the brawl, Norex loses the upper hand and Vers regain her powers. She battles the rest of the Skrull soldiers onboard and damage enough of the station until comes apart. She runs into other pods. Initially setting course back to Hala, she decides to set course to Talos's coordinates. Her pod is launched and the station blows up.

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