Post-Credit Scene

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The shot's all a blur. There's a muffled sound of an intense discussion, but not an argument. A figure then walks into a narrow field of depth and it is Carol, we get her close up focused. She cuts the discussion with the question, asked in a sincere and concered tone, "Where's Fury?".

Camera pans hard left. We get a frame of three people and it's to be processed quickly. To the left; a white woman, blonde, dye job, dark clothing. To the right; middle-aged man, African American, possibly military. To the center; white male, exceptionally well-built, likely military, bearded. He holds sharp eyes to the now off-screen Carol. The camera pans into his stare, accompanied by tribal drums on the score. Then, cuts to black. Title Card reads Miss Marvel will return in Avengers: Endgame.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 23, 2023 ⏰

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