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chapter nine  • she's kinda hot


From: Luke
Answer your FaceTime please I'm so bored :-(

From: Audrey

From: Luke
Hahah answer I'm all alone in the tour bus only time we can really talk :-(

From: Audrey
call but don't be surprised when you realize how ugly i rly am

I called it connected right away. I was in a black shirt, and my hair was sort of a mess. But I didn't care, I just wanted to talk to her.

Her face appeared on the screen - for the most part. She was covering her face slighting with her blanket. Her hair was in a messy bun and she didn't have any of that eye makeup shit on which made her eyes pop out more.

I mean I didn't mind the eye stuff I mean it was nice but honestly, she didn't look any different. And if this was what she looked like without makeup - she was a God.

"Babe, take the covers off," I pouted. I heard her giggle and her eyes crinkle a bit.

She shook her head, "When I do don't cry okay."

I could barely hear her because she was muffled underneath the blanket. She quickly took it off so that I could see her full face. She was so pretty. It didn't make sense.

"Are you wearing makeup?" I asked her, leaning towards the screen a bit more.

Her cheeks flushed, "No. You called me at a bad time. I look horrible I already told you."

"If this is horrible that I'm atrocious," I rolled my eyes, "You look like a princess. You're gorgeous."

She laughed, "Thank you."

"Do you wanna play a game or something? The boys are gone for who knows how long so you're my only source of entertainment," I smirked.

"Yay. I get to entertain Luke Hemmings what an honour," she said sarcastically, smiling. Her teeth were so straight. What the hell.

"Let's play," I stopped, "Never have I ever."

She frowned, "I think Kennedy drank my last bottle on liquor."

"Just go look," I sighed, getting up to go grab a bottle of vodka. I didn't like it that much, but it was all we had.

"Okay I still have some!" She laughed, sitting back down on her bed. Her hair fell out of the bun now, so it was all curly and surrounding her face.

"Should I go first?" I asked her, setting up on my phone on a table so that I didn't have to hold it anymore.

She nodded, pulling her shirt up which made me frown a little because now you couldn't see any cleavage.

"Never have I ever been in a real relationship," I said flatly, looking directly at the screen.

She took a quick sip and put the bottle back down. She was a bit flushed, and she smirked slightly.

"My turn," she mumbled, "Never have I ever hooked up with someone after meeting them for the first time."

"Guilty," I shrugged, taking a sip of my vodka. Her eyes widened but she quickly laughed.

Millions of girls throw themselves at me. It's hard to turn every single one down. I have needs.

"Never have I ever," I paused, "I can't think of one."

She laughed, "Me either. So, why didn't you go to the club with the rest of the boys?"

"It's boring. And we have a show tomorrow they'll probably all be hung over," I frowned, running my hands through my hair.

"Sing for me," she smiled, sitting up a little straighter which caused her tank top to slip down.

I scratched my neck, "Sing what?"

"Anything," she beamed, fixing her hair.

I rolled my eyes, "My friend left college 'cause it felt like a job. His mom and dad both think he's a slob. He's got a shot though yeah, he's got a shot though. When you've got bigger plans that no one else understands, you've got a shot though."

I looked back at the screen and she was literally grinning ear to ear. My face was slightly red and I was smirking a little.

"What song was that?" She asked, playing with her finger nails.

"Oh," I continued, "She's Kinda Hot. It's our new song and you are the first to hear it. Well a part of it."

"You're so cute when you sing you make the funniest faces," she gushed, "I bet the song is awesome. The fans will love it!"

"I hope so," I sighed, "They're slightly pissed off. About me and you. They want answers, but I can't give them any."

"And why not?" She questioned, pulling the camera closer to herself.

"It's complicated," I shrugged.

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