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chapter ten  • baggage


"Why do you care so much?" I snapped, standing up a bit straighter.

Calum rolled his eyes at me, "Cause this is messed up Luke! You meet a girl on Instagram, fine. But you really think you'll end up dating her?"

Michael laughed behind Calum and I threw a empty coke can at him which cause him to give me a death glare.

"Sorry I don't meet girls on Instagram and then sleep with them on the exact same night," I muttered, slipping my phone in my pocket.

"Luke you're fucked up. This wouldn't work. Look, we're doing a few gigs right now but what about when we start touring?" Michael asked.

"What about it," I said flatly.

"You're always complaining about how much you miss her and all this other shit. Imagine you on tour," Michael frowned, taking a sip of his water.

Calum sighed, "All I'm saying is, you seem to have a lot more feelings for her, than she does for you."

I shook my head quickly, "Calum you don't know anything. Just stay out of my business yeah?"

"Right now it's all fun because in her mind she's dating a fucking rockstar. What if she gets bored of you Luke? If you guys ever break up you'll be heartbroken," Calum said casually.

"I repeat, why the fuck do you care?" I yelled, "Leave me alone. All of you just fuck off! Calum, you fucking twig I'll break you in half. Why don't you go sober the fuck up Michael? You drunk bastard."

I stormed off into my bunk. That's why it's not good to fight in tour buses, you can't go anywhere. I pulled out my phone and started scrolling through Instagram.

I wanted to cry. Calum could probably tell that's why he kept going with it. I liked Audrey a lot, and I knew she liked me. I just didn't understand why Calum wanted to ruin such a good thing for me.

@audreymiller: loved meeting you all today :) you're all so funny and sweet

It was a picture of her and another girl who I assume was a fan. I didn't comment because to be honest I wasn't in the mood to get 2949 comments back.

From: Luke
Did you meet any boy fans

From: Audrey
mhm u bet

From: Luke
Did they like try to touch you

From: Audrey
when we took pictures yep, they were all so sweet!

From: Luke
Audrey do you like me?

From: Audrey
yes, very much why?

From: Luke

From: Luke
Can I ask you something else

From: Audrey

From: Luke
Remember when we were playing never have I ever, who was the boy you dated

From: Audrey
he went to the same high school as me. his name was austin

From: Luke
Why did you guys break up

From: Audrey
lol it's not good to talk about previous relationships doesn't that look like I have baggage

From: Luke
Are you going to tell me or not

From: Audrey
someone's in a bad mood ahah damn

From: Luke
I take that as a no

From: Audrey
he cheated on me lmao there you go!! are you happy??

From: Luke

From: Audrey
yea I think I'm going to go out with kennedy so good look with your show tonight :)

From: Luke
K where are you going

From: Audrey
she knows this really good college party a couple blocks from my apartment so probably there

From: Luke
Ahahahahah. K then bye

From: Audrey

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