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From: Audrey
-attachment image-
I woke up like this

From: Luke
Wooo look at those melons again

From: Audrey

From: Luke
Ahah you're so cute babe

From: Audrey
you're turning 19 soon

From: Luke
Yeah two weeks :-)

From: Audrey
old bastard

From: Luke
You're gonna give me birthday sex though right?

From: Audrey

From: Luke
I do

From: Audrey
I choked because I know you're not joking

From: Luke
What are you doing today?

From: Audrey
Well, Noah is probably coming over and then Kennedy will be here a little later so hanging out with them I guess

From: Luke
Who's Noah?

From: Audrey
my friend! he's really funny and nice you'd like him

From: Luke
Is he gay

From: Audrey

From: Luke

From: Audrey
why would you ask that ahah

From: Luke
Since we're being open about our feelings and stuff I'm pretty mad

From: Audrey
mad? why what happened babe?

From: Luke
Why are you hanging out with other boys

From: Audrey
chill he's a good friend we've been friends since middle school

From: Luke
He probably likes you or something. Does he know about me?

From: Audrey
not really I haven't seen him a while that's why he's coming over we are catching up

From: Luke
What the hell Audrey this is so dumb

From: Audrey
I can't have guy friends?

From: Luke
I didn't say that

From: Audrey
you basically did. sorry Luke but you don't own me

From: Luke
Okay so if I go hang out with my ex girlfriend you wouldn't be the slightest bit mad?

From: Audrey
can you relax he's not my ex boyfriend we are literally good friends

From: Luke
You didn't answer the question

From: Audrey
Luke don't

From: Luke
Are you gonna answer

From: Audrey
sure I'd be mad but I trust you enough to know you wouldn't do anything with her

From: Luke
So what you think I don't trust you?

From: Audrey
obviously you don't you're getting so insecure that I'm hanging out with a childhood friend

From: Luke
Insecure? When did I say I was insecure?

From: Audrey
it's obvious .. the things you say. you're freaking out rn because of me being around another boy

From: Luke
K great that's nice, have fun with him yeah? I'll see you tomorrow if you still wanna pick me up.

From: Audrey
of course I'll come get you Luke, I just don't get why you're freaking out at me

From: Luke
Cause you're mine Audrey I don't care how stupid or insecure I sound or look

From: Audrey
I'm gonna have my other guy friends Luke

From: Luke
I'm actually done with this conversation I'll see you tomorrow bye

From: Audrey

I left the text messages. I was so mad. I knew it was partially stupid, but I couldn't help it. I wasn't insecure, was I? It was like she did this stuff on purpose.

I went onto Instagram quickly, and of course she posted a picture with this Noah guy.

@audreymiller: reunited @noahparks 😊

There were a bunch of comments, a lot of fans tagged me in the picture asking what was happening. I didn't even like the picture.

@lukeluke: Um

@kaylasmith: she already left you @lukehemmings

@ambersmmm: Can't trust thots @lukehemmings

@lukehemmings: Tru :/ @ambersmmm

@calisperfect: OR MAybe he's just a friend

@lukehemmings: Where's the dislike button?

@hemmingsxhood: ^^ OH SHIT

@michaelspinkyyinthebrain: I KNEW LUKE WAS THE jealous type how hot is he wtf

@irwinscash: Why would she even post this anyway when she's dating Luke? obviously he'd be kind of pissed off..

@calhooood: Luke is such a kid it's her friend but still jealous Luke is hot cant lie

@perkyhood: Luke's rude af

@audreymiller: lol woah thanks @lukehemmings

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