chapter 2 : knowing more

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Beomgyu was thinking about everything before he fell asleep the previous night and he decided to at least let Taehyun go out of the cell.

"Look... I'm very sorry for what I've done and also for locking you up, that was so stupid of me. You don't have to forgive me, I don't even want you to forgive me, I just want you to know that I'm sorry. I'm sorry for your grandma, I'm sorry for everything. You have the right to be mad at me and to want me dead, but just know that I'm sorry."
"One thing that makes a difference between you and other pirates is that you have a bit of empathy. Other pirates are cruel unsensitive beasts... I appreciate it."
"Thanks. Well... I know it's weird, but try to make yourself at home."
"This will never feel like home."
"And I have some conditions."
"You will not lock me up in that cell ever again and you won't treat me like a prisoner. Okay?"
"Okay, boss. You're now a member of our crew."
"No, I'm not. Being one of you is the last thing I'd want. I will never be one of you. Never. I don't want to be the same kind of person who killed my family." he answered him angrily.
"Okay, I'm sorry. Do what you want, I have to go now."
"Wait. What am I supposed to do?" asked Taehyun.
"Whatever you want."
Taehyun frowned and walked away.

"Hey." said Kai.
Taehyun looked at him.
"How are you doing? Everything fine?"
"What do you think?"
"I know, I know. We're all sorry. We bomb, we steal, we destroy, but we never kidnap. This was the first time in the history of our crew that this happened. And you were so unlucky that it happened to you."
"Yeah, that's me unlucky Taehyun... "
"Your name's Taehyun?"
"Yes. And yours?"
"I'm Kai. How old are you?"
"I'm 18."
"Really? Me too! I'm the youngest member."
"Really? Why do you do this? A person my age is doing such a dirty job."
"Sometimes, Taehyun, people make poor choices because that's the only thing they can do."
"What happened?"
"I used to be a thief, my father and I. My father once killed a man while robbing a bank and when people found out, he ran away like a coward and left me behind. They catched me and I was brought to court. I managed to escape and then I met Captain Beomgyu."
"... I never thought about pirates this way... they don't have to necessarily be bad people, they just had a traumatic past. I guess I understand you guys more now."
"Joining Captain Beomgyu's crew was the best decision I've made in my entire life, Taehyun. I've never been this happy before."
"When did you join them?"
"Dang... I don't know. Like four years ago?"
"YOU WERE 14?"
"Yup. I think so."

"How old is Beomgyu?"
"He turned 25 not so long ago."
"25? Damn. He looks 16. "
"Hahaha, yeah he does."
"How long has he been doing this?"
"They murdered his family 17 years ago. He didn't tell us much, I just know he met some pirates and they took care of him. Then something happened. I don't know what, but he left them."
"Do you think someone on this ship knows exactly what happened?"
"No clue. But the person that's been the longest by Captain's side is Yeonjun."
"The man who's always at the helm?"
"Yes, that's him."
"Okay. If I'm going to spend a lot of time with you, I should probably learn your names."
"I agree. I will point at the people and tell you their names. That is Soobin, San, Seungmin, Hongjoong, Hyunjin, Mingi, Minho and Seonghwa."
"That means your crew has 11 members."
"12" added Kai.
"No, I'm not one of you."

"Do you guys have any positions or something like that here?"
"Yeah, everyone has a role here. And since you're not one of us, what do you want to do? Just sit and watch?"
"I don't want to do anything related to being a pirate."
"Okay, do as you please. Excuse me I have to go now."


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