chapter 13 : neverland

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It was getting dark and they didn't even have a candle with them.

"I'm scared we're gonna meet some other monsters. How would we protect ourselves on a little boat?" asked Taehyun.
"I think we're not in Strange Waters anymore, don't worry darling."
"Hmm... I'm so sorry you lost Dark Soul, you loved that ship."
"My opinion is that everything happens for a reason. This was a fate."
"Well, at least I found Yeosang."
"He mentioned having a brother but he belived you were dead. I never knew it could be you... how did you even recognize him?"
"His birthmark."
"Oh, right. I hope they can forgive me."
"I'm sure they will. You saved their lives today."
"Jeongin asked me why didn't I take them with me... I felt so fucking bad."

Taehyun wanted to comfort him by giving him a hug but Beomgyu was rowing, so he couldn't.
"I wish you could live a normal life like you always wanted." said Taehyun.
"Thanks to this life I found you. That's all that matters. And even though I lost the map to Neverland that I've been searching for for ten years, at least it led me to you. So those ten years weren't a waste of time after all."
"I love you."
"I love you too, angel."
They kept staring at each other with smile.
"Do you think Bluebeard's dead?" asked Taehyun.
"He most likely is. I hope. He probably drowned, or kraken ate him. And even if he survived, it wouldn't last for long. He'd probably starve to death."
"I'm just glad it's over."
"Me too."

Taehyun leaned forward to kiss him but he lost balance and fell on him.
"Okay, that didn't work."
"Were you trying to kiss me?"
"Yeah... "
Beomgyu put the oars away and kissed Taehyun.
"Aren't you tired?"
"A little bit."
"Sit on my lap, maybe you'll fall asleep."
"Does that have any special effect on sleeping?"
"Well it's way more comfortable than sitting on that wooden shit."
"That's true."
So he sat on his lap and snuggled to him.
"You're so warm."
"Goodnight, love."
"Thank you."

Many hours past by when a raindrop landed on Beomgyu's nose and he felt cold breeze on his face.
"Oh no, no, no. Shit."
Soon it started raining and sea was stormy.
"Fuck, Tae! Taehyun you have to wake up!"
He opened his eyes and felt the rain on his skin.
"Oh no. What are we going to do?" asked Taehyun.
"Just hold onto me tight, maybe this won't end up bad but just in case. Sorry for waking you up."
"That's fine. Where are others? I can't see shit."
"I hope they're fine."
Soon a big wave swallowed up their boat and fell into the sea.
Taehyun was still holding onto Beomgyu but Beomgyu didn't show any signs of life.
It was just like his nightmare he had.

When they got to the surface of the water Taehyun tried to wake him up but it didn't work. The waves were so strong that Taehyun didn't have the strenght to keep swimming.
He let them carry him until he passed out.

In the morning he woke up on a beach of an island with Beomgyu laying next to him.
He immediately got up and ran to him.
After many tries of trying to wake him up it worked. He spat the water out and started coughing.
When Beomgyu realized what's going on he hugged Taehyun.
"Are you okay, love?" asked Beomgyu.
"I'm alright! But what about you? I thought you were gone... "
"I'm okay... thank you for saving me."
"I can't see others."
"Oh no, my boys."
"Let's explore the beach."
"Wait, where is my sword?"
"You lost it, so did I."
Beomgyu sighed and got up using Taehyun's help.

They slowly walked along the beach looking around.
"I'm so proud of you, Tae."
"You're so brave. I mean... you've always been but you became much braver."
"Thanks but you were the one who taught me that."
"I don't think so-"
"Shut up."
"I hear voices!"
Taehyun grabbed his hand and led him.
Soon they got closer and saw their friend.
"KAI!" shouted Taehyun.
Kai turned and waved at him.
Taehyun and Beomgyu ran to him and they all hugged.
"We were so worried about you!" said Kai.
"We too." said Beomgyu.
"Are you okay? Is everyone here?" asked Taehyun.
"Yes, we're fine but Soobin's arm broken and Hongjoong isn't feeling well." said Kai.
"Take us to them." said Beomgyu.
Kai nodded and led them.

When they got to them, Yeosang spotted Taehyun and hugged him.
"Thank god you're okay." said Yeosang.
"I'm so glad we're together again."
"Me too."
Yeosang broke the hug and looked at Beomgyu.
"... Thanks."
"For what?" asked Beomgyu.
"For taking care of Taehyun and saving Jeongin and Yunho."
"Oh. You're welcome."
"We talked about everything and we forgive you." said Yeosang.
"Thank you." said Beomgyu.
"I'll go with Yeosang now." said Taehyun.
Suddenly Yeonjun ran to Beomgyu and hugged him.
"I was so damn scared. My best friend, I almost started to think you didn't make it."
"I was worried too."

Beomgyu walked to Soobin to check how he is.
"How's your arm?" asked Beomgyu.
"It's better, San took care of it."
"That's good. Have y'all explored this place yet?"
"Not really. We stayed here and tried to rest a bit. It was a rough night." said Yeonjun.
"Should we explore it?" asked Kai.
"We should rest today. We'll do it tomorrow." replied Beomgyu "But we should go get some wood to make fire in the night." he added.
"Okay, let's go." said Yeonjun.
Beomgyu, Yeonjun, Kai, Hyunjin, Minho and Seungmin were about to get some wood.
"Where are you going?" asked Taehyun.
"To get some wood." said Beomgyu.
"Should I go with you?"
"No, it's okay, love. You can stay."
"Okay, be careful."
"We will."

"Love?" asked Yeosang.
"What?" asked Yunho.
"He called Taehyun love?"
"Yeah... we're sort of... dating." said Taehyun.
"Oh.. well as long as you're happy." said Yeosang.

In the evening they started the fire and sat around it.

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