chapter 6 : Beomgyu's past 2/2

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Taehyun wiped his eyes and exhaled.
He was deciding whether to continue reading or not but he has already started, so he should probably finish it.


18th August 1690

Today it's been exactly 6 months since I left.
I still haven't figured out how the map works but so far I've been to 11 different towns asking people if they know someone who understands maps and knows how to read them but nobody answered.
But I don't give easily, I got this.

3rd September 1690

Still nothing but I stole some clothes and food yesterday because I already spent all the money I had on me.
Now I'm going west hoping to move forward.

7th October 1690

I feel lonelier than ever.

12th December 1690

I read some books about astrology as I have really nothing to do. It's very interesting especially since stars are currently my only friends, again.
Sometimes I'm thinking about if leaving was the right thing to do... but on the other hand if I stayed I'd only be Bluebeard's slave, now I'm free at least.

26th January 1691

I met a boy a week ago. His name is Yeonjun, he's 2 years older than me.
I was in the town checking the markets when I saw him. For some reason he caught my eye so I kept watching him. I noticed he was stealing some food and one lady saw it. She started yelling at him and he started running away.
Some men ran after him and they wanted to catch him, so I decided to help him.
I ran the opposite side and met with him when the ways connected.
We were running next to each other and he looked at me.
"What are you doing?" he asked.
"I'm trying to help you." I replied.
I pointed at a direction and we both ran there. We managed to hide from the people who were following him.
"Why are you helping me?" he asked.
"I noticed you were stealing food. Are you in a bad situation right now?"
Yeonjun nodded and explained everything to me. His abussive parents kicked him out of the house for no reason and he's got no money.
I introduced myself to him and offered him to join me. He was more than excited and accepted my offer.

4th March 1691

I told Yeonjun everything that happened to me and told him about the map.
He's willing to help me.
I'm so happy I'm no longer lonely.

14th October 1691

I haven't written anything in so long.
Since I met Yeonjun I talk with him all the time and we always do something so I totally forgot I have a diary.

23rd January 1692

This month a new boy joined us.
His name is Soobin.
We met him while he was selling handmade stuff in one town.

1st March 1692

Today we rescued two boys that were arrested for scamming people and stealing money.
Hongjoong and Seonghwa.
That is so sad. All the boys who joined me so far didn't have a good life before. Neither did I...

4th April 1692

We anchored Dark Soul (that's how I call my ship, I figured it'd be nice to name it) by an island and we decided to explore it. It wasn't anything special but we saw some coconuts on the palms and found fruits on the trees.
As I was walking through the little jungle a parrot landed on my head. It was hiding from a falcon that has been following him.
He didn't want to let go when I left the jungle, so I decided to keep it and I call him Toto.

18th April 1692

I still have no luck but at least I have my friends.

7th December 1692

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