chapter 8 : storm

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"Are we getting close to the Siren Creek, Yeonjun?"
"Yes, I think it will take about five days max."
"That's great. We should start preparing, it's gonna be dangerous."
"I agree."

Meanwhile Taehyun was helping Mingi prepare food.
He's been socializing a lot lately, he talked to everyone.
"How did you learn how to cook?" asked Taehyun.
"I was always cooking something with my aunt when I was younger."
"You're good at it. I like your food."
"Thanks. You're not bad either. I've noticed you're good at many things."
"Beomgyu, I mean captain, told me the same thing."
"You call him captain? Cute."
"Why? You all do it too."
"You two look very close, I thought you call him by his name."
"No, he's older I speak to him formally."
"You're so polite."
"My family raised me right."
"They indeed did."
"This smells good." said Beomgyu.
"Taehyun did this all almost by himself."
For some reason Taehyun felt shy, so he didn't say anything.
"Are you not talking to me or what?"
"I-I am. I just didn't know what to say."
"That's okay. Can he come with me?" asked Beomgyu.
"Of course." replied Mingi.
"Taehyun did a good job." he added.

"What's going on?"
"You wanted duties. You finished cooking, now you can go help someone else."
"You choose."
"I want to help you."
Taehyun thought about what Mingi told him and he wanted to try it to see how Beomgyu reacts.
"With what? I just order everyone around."
"Sounds fun."
"Just go somewhere."
"Why don't you want me around?"
"What? I never said that."
"I'm bored."
"Do something then."
Taehyun said on a box and stared at Beomgyu.
"That's scary."
"I know."

"Captain." said Minho.
Beomgyu walked to him.
"I don't want to interfere with your upbringing but I think you should teach him how to fence. You never know what could happen and you can't always be here for him, he needs to know how to use a sword and protect himself."
"You think so?"
"Yes, it's for his own good."
"All right then."

Beomgyu went to get a sword for him.
"I'm going to teach you how to fence, okay?"
"Um... okay."
"Okay, take this."
"Wait, what? Right now?"
"The sooner, the better."

Taehyun took the sword and watched him.
Beomgyu took off his boots and rolled up his sleeves because he feels more comfortable like that.
Taehyun looked at his muscular arms and gulped.
"Why did you take off your boots?"
"It feels better."
"Uh, okay."
"Can we start?"
"I guess so. I'm kinda scared."
"Don't be. Just repeat what I do and try not to hurt yourself."
Taehyun nodded and exhaled.
"So first hold it like this. Then stand like this. No a bit closer. That's right."
"What now?"
"Now I'm gonna show you how to fight. I'll be careful don't worry but please be careful too."
"I'll try."

Beomgyu showed him some of the most important steps and Taehyun repeated it.

"You're so good at this! You always learn fast. So talented."
"Thanks." he said with a smile.
"Okay, let's now try something tougher. Let's try fencing while moving around. That's pretty common when you get into a fight. Are you ready?"
"Yes, I am."
"Fine but please, be extremely careful with that sword, okay?"
"Don't worry."

They started fencing and moving around on the whole deck.
Since it was new for Taehyun he tended to look around a lot and he made a few mistakes.

"You can't let your surroundings distract you and you have to keep moving. Focus on me only."

The entire crew was watching them

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The entire crew was watching them. It felt weird seeing their captain this happy and full of passion but they were enjoying that view, they saw their savior finally being truly happy.

Taehyun was also enjoying it. He kept laughing and smiling the whole time.
He didn't realize it but he was slowly becoming the person he never wanted to be.

"That's it. You did great."
"How do I know if I won?"
"You're still breathing."
"Oh... "

Beomgyu wanted to take the sword back from Taehyun but when Taehyun was giving it to him, he cut his palm.
He didn't react much he just looked at it.

"Shit. I'm going to get something to wrap around it, go wash it with water." said worried Beomgyu.
Soon he was back with a piece of cloth.
He found Taehyun by the water barrel and started putting the cloth around his injury.
"Does it hurt a lot?"
"Like a normal cut. I don't mind pain."
"Mmm... you did really well today. You're a fast learner, I'm still shocked. Just a bit more practice and you'll be perfect at it."
Beomgyu kissed his injured hand and Taehyun smiled at him.

They kept staring into each others' eyes when raindrops landed on their hands. Beomgyu let go and looked up.
"Fuck, it's raining."
"Is that a bad thing?"
"Let's say it's not a really... pleasant situation."
"It's getting windy too. I think a strom is coming. And well, stormy sea is not the best."
"How bad is it?"
"Very. Let's prepare the ship for the storm now."

"Boys! Everyone come here!"
Everyone gathered around Beomgyu in a minute.
"It's raining and most likely a storm will appear. This is not your first time, you know what you gotta do."
"Yes, captain." they all said.
"And what should I do?" asked Taehyun.
"Go hide."
"What? I hide all the time, I want to help you."
"Didn't you say something else when you got here?"
"But... "
"Tae, this is a stressful situation, go inside. Next time you can help."
"But Beomgyu-"
Taehyun stared at him in shock.
"... I'm sorry. I didn't mean to. I just want what's best for you."

When Taehyun hid, Beomgyu helped others.

After one hour he made time to go check on Taehyun

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After one hour he made time to go check on Taehyun.
He was sitting in the corner of the room curled up.
Beomgyu immediately ran to him.
"What's wrong?"
"I don't feel good."
"Is it because the ship is moving too much?"
"Yes and I'm scared."
Beomgyu helped him to stand up and they sat on the bed. He hugged Taehyun to calm him down.
"Do you feel like vomiting?"
"Not now, might happen later though."
"I know how it feels for the first time."
"I'm just scared we're gonna die."
"I experienced so many storms during the 13 years on the sea and I still survived."
"Yeah, but it's scary."
"I know, I know."

Beomgyu tried to think of a way to distract Taehyun from the storm.
He kept hugging him and touched his injured hand.
"Does it hurt less?"
"Did you enjoy fencing?"
"Mhmm. It was nice."
"Glad to hear that."
"Can we practice more tomorrow?"
"We can practice everyday."

They heard a thunder and Taehyun got scared, so he snuggled to him more.

"Don't be afraid. It's a regular storm except you're on a ship."
"Yeah, I've noticed."
"Hmm... why do you suddenly call me by my name?"
"I wanted to try it."
"Do you mind it?"
"No, I don't. But I found it cute when you talked to me formally."
"You're a kid compared to me."
"We're both adult."
"But you're 7 years younger."
"Does that matter?"
"I don't know."
"Hm. Why don't you stink?"
"I thought pirates smell like shit. You don't."
Beomgyu laughed at this.
"Thanks. That's good."
"But really you're so clean, you all are but you the most."
"Well the fact that I'm a pirate doesn't stop me from taking care of myself. I like to be clean. Bluebeard's crew smelled like thirty unwashed asses."
Taehyun chuckled and closed his eyes.
"Are you trying to sleep?"
"Yes, I'm kinda tired."
"Okay, I will let you sleep."
"No. Talk to me, please. I like your voice."
"What should I talk about?"
"Okay, let's talk about you."
"Why always me."
"You're an interesting topic."
"I don't think so."
"But I know so."
"You're so obsessed with me."
"... That was a joke."
"And I wasn't joking."

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