chapter 5 : Beomgyu's past 1/2

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Taehyun finally changed to dry clothes and he couldn't fall asleep, so he got up from the bed and searched for the book.
When he found it, Beomgyu's diary fell down from the shelf. Taehyun picked it up and wanted to put it back but the temptation to read it was so strong.
"He doesn't want me to read it. I should not... haven't I done enough already." he thought.
But Taehyun is very curious and decided to read it anyways.

"Let's see what's he hiding." he said to himself.
He opened the diary and noticed the last note was from 4 years ago.
"Why isn't he using it anymore?" he thought.
"I'm going to hell for this but maybe it could help me to understand him more..."

(current year: 1700)

The Diary of Captain Beomgyu

2nd April 1687

I found this empty diary in a trash and this is my first note.
My name is Choi Beomgyu and I'm 12 years old.

My parents were murdered by an army 4 years ago and since then I'm surviving on my own. I ran away from that village and got to a town on the way. I'm staying with some old lady and her husband. They found me searching for food by the dumpster next to some pub. They gave me food and new clothes. Soon they introduced me to other kids they are taking care of. I think I made a friend here. He doesn't talk much but he is cool.

The old lady called me for dinner, I have to go.

10th April 1687

Old lady and her husband seem worried.
They were talking about some weird stuff and I heard her crying yesterday. What's going on?

12th April 1687

I heard a loud noise outside but they won't let us check it and they covered all the windows.
I really want to know what's happening. Why won't they tell us?

15th April 1687

It was the army again. They set the whole town on fire and I think others didn't make it, I managed to escape and now I'm hiding in the woods.
I don't understand what's happening. Why are they hurting people? Am I still too young to understand this? Is the whole world like this?

26th April 1687

I got brave and decided to get out of the woods and search for some help.
I met some man in the other town and he led me somewhere with him.
He brought me to his friend. He calls him "Bluebeard". I think that's his nickname.
And he's white but speaks good korean.

5th May 1687

Bluebeard gave me new clothes and took me on his ship. He is a pirate and the captain of a ship called Revenge. It's very big and old but it looks very cool, it's just like the stories about pirates my parents told me when I was very little.
When I first got here and saw all the other men, I was a little nervous and scared. They all look so old, I'm a child among all of these grandpas. What if they want to hurt me? We'll see. It's not like I've got something to lose anyways.

19th May 1687

Captain Bluebeard gave me a job and I don't have much free time. I feel like an adult now, I've got a lot of things to do. The men told me I'm very mature for my age and I agree with them. I feel good here. Like I finally fit in.

31st July 1687

They finally officially made me a member of their crew by tattooing a cool symbol on my arm. It hurt a lot and they wanted to wait until I'm older but I insisted on doing it now. I'm the youngest here and so far they're treating me like a king. They're really nice for pirates.
And I really like traveling on the ship. The ocean is beautiful. Captain Bluebeard told me some stories about his journies. He travelled almost the entire world! Isn't that so cool?
He also told me he was born on a pirate ship and grew up in Korea, that's why he's so fluent! He is teaching me English, I think I'm pretty good at it so far.

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