chapter 11 : a little bit of love

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It was really early in the morning and Taehyun took the night shift instead of others. He was looking in front of him when he heard the door closing.
"Why are you up so early, Beomgyu?"
Beomgyu turned behind.
"I wasn't sleeping at all."
"How come?"
"It's not easy falling asleep with so many thoughts in your head. I can't stop thinking about yesterday."
"You want to talk about it?"
"If you don't mind it."
"Why would I? I love listening to you."

Beomgyu faintly smiled and walked up the stairs to Taehyun where he sat down beside him

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Beomgyu faintly smiled and walked up the stairs to Taehyun where he sat down beside him.
"I was starting to move on from my days spent on his ship, I thought I would never meet him again but then this happened... I feel so disappointed, so sad, angry... "
"I understand you but I have no idea how this must feel like. But don't worry, we're gonna get it back and you won't have to see him ever again."
"Yesterday I cried in front of them for the first time. I felt weaker than ever."
"You're not weak, you've just been strong for too long."
"I never even wanted to be a pirate. Yes, I loved it because it was new and I was a kid. I still love the freedom and other stuff but you know... and the worst thing is that I can't stop because people know me and they kill pirates."
"I'm so sorry, Beomgyu. You deserve so much better"
"Well, at least I have you."
"We're always here for you."
"No, I meant only you. Of course I love everyone but you are just... something else."
"That's sweet. Thank you."
They both smiled at each other.
"Do you still want to make that wish? I don't mean to say anything bad or offensive. I just... I know you lost your parents and you want them back but don't you think you've gained more than you've lost during those 17 years?"

Beomgyu kept looking at him not knowing what to say.
"I'm... just so confused right now."
"I know. That's okay."
"I don't know what I'd do without you."
"Probably kept living just like before you met me."
"Uh, do you really have to ruin a moment like this."
"Sorry, my bad."
"Hmm... do you mind me being so old?"
"Old? You're not old. And why would I mind it? We understand each other pretty well."
"Compared to you I am old."
"Stop comparing then. We're adults, age is just a number anyways."
"It probably is..."
"We still haven't catched up on them, they must have went by the speed of light. It's making me nervous."
"Don't worry about it."

Beomgyu got up and put his hat on Taehyun's head.
"It suits you."
"Does it? Well, it belongs to the captain."
"I don't feel like one anymore."
Taehyun took the hat off and put in on Beomgyu.
"The best captain in the world."
Beomgyu smiled and fixed his hat.
"Can we meet tonight again like we did on the very first days?"
"Yeah but isn't Hyunjin supposed to be-"
"Yes, it's his shift but does that bother you?"
"Not really but if you want to talk about something wouldn't it be better to talk now that we're alone?"
"I'll be waiting on the other side of the ship."
"Are you even listening to me?"
"Me? To you? Always."
"Hm, okay."
"I guess I'll go to bed now to get some sleep, maybe after talking with you it will be easier to fall asleep."

Nothing really interesting happened during the day. Everyone was still trying to process what happened.

When the first star appeared on the sky Taehyun left the cabin. When he closed the door he looked at Hyunjin that was by the helm and smiled at him. But surprisingly Hyunjin didn't return the smile.
"What's going on?" asked Taehyun.
"I keep thinking about what Bluebeard said yesterday."
"Hyunjin, don't think about it. He's crazy."
"Yeah, I know... I miss my dad so much. Haven't seen him since I joined Beomgyu."
"What? Really?"
"Mhmm... "

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