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Dear Diary,
So I when I started 8th grade I dint even notice him. The like around end of February and beginning of April I noticed him. I first told someone after me and my friends went to see DUFF. Then we went to the park and afterwords we went to my friend, we'll call her Amy, Amy's house and my other friend, let's call her Holly, went too. So because we played in snow and puddles of melted snow, we were soaking our feet in her bathtub. Then we started playing truth of dare and I chose truth. We decided to all answer it but only me and Holly ended up answering. And me being the shy thing I am I spelled out his name. Holly like a teacher that we'll call R.D. Then I told Holly again and she started calling him flannel because his boochie self always wears flannels. So now only Amy, Holly, and a new person that we'll call Daisy, knew. But apparently Holly told "Jules"(not real name, new person) who I liked. And then while i was in a hallway working on my project with my two friends, his class walked by. My two friends were Angel( that's her real name, I'm not making a fake one for her because I already wrote a book about her called "the Lone Gigglypuff". Go read it, or not) and, let's say Melissa, Melissa and me and Angel were working together on the project. So because Mel told us who she liked she was like " who do you like"

And I said "Well it's somebody in that class" and that butthole immediately said " @#&*%?!" And just said " I hate you"

So that's how both Mel and Angel found out. My other friend "Paige" found out at the 8th grade dance. Then yesterday Angel told me a 7th grader told her to ask him if he had a girl friend so the Angel asked Austin(real name cause he calls himself Fat Amy) to ask him and do you know what this butthole did? He literally said " @&#*%, ANGEL LIKES YOU!!!" and I wasn't there to witness it. So me being stupid as I am said Phillip(its jack now cause I'm not allowed to say Phillip) , what we call him now, around the 7th grader so she then asked Angel on her bus and Angel said his real name and then Austin said " who's Phillip(Jack)(sorry "Daisy")?" And that stupid little hoe said his name like it was nothing and now Austin knows and he's mad cause I didn't tell him and I knew not to tell him cause he'll tease me about it.

(Picture above is of me and Angel :3)

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