I no like people

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Dear Diary,
Everyone is a butthole. It's Tuesday and Angel is not her, nor is Holly. And now I'm just in Web 2.0 all alone like a loser. And I was alone in art...like a loser. And now I'm in careers, with a sub, oh well.
Dear it's the next day now,
Do you ever just regret going somewhere? That's me right now. I hate that I chose to go to school today. Because jack is now irrelevant. Now I feel like dying in a hole. So basically nothing has changed. Here's a tip, don't developed a crush. It will just distract you from what's really important. Like work and family. I don't even go downstairs with my family anymore because of the internet. I'm failing science, I think. And jack gives me headaches. He's annoying now. And I really don't care if he's dating someone because he can go die in a hole.

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