Soul required

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Dear little child who is currently dating Jack,
I do not care if you date him. He fuels my hate fire now. And as I said before " you may be prettier than me. But I mean look at that trash can and at that recycling bin. That's you and me. I see no difference. I no like him no more. I cried more watching the episode of doctor who were Eleven regenerated. I cried way more when Allison Argent died. I don't like him and he did not hurt me by going out with you. A soul is required in order to feel pain of hurt when someone crushes your heart, that is also required, and I don't have that. I only care for my family, animals, plants, and fictional characters. And don't worry about it because next year I probably won't see him, like ever. At least I hope so. And I still have Plan B. So shut your mouth and goodbye.

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