Chapter 3

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The passengers slowly recovered and had a look around.

Foliage blocked most of the windows, making it impossible to see out. "Is anyone hurt?" Billy asked out loud, noticing a small, smooth hand was still gripping his shirt sleeve tightly.

Checking themselves, everyone seemed pretty much intact except Jasmine and Jami, the former was even more furious while the latter was in shock. "Jami," it was Grant, and he got her attention, "are you okay, sweetheart?"

The girl was breathing heavily but slowly, "yeah, other than I'm terrified out of my mind," she slowly released Billy's shirt, knowing that Jasmine would say something soon, if not her father.

"Quiet! We're okay. Let's everybody just stay put," Udesky still thought of himself in charge, he attempted to turn on the cockpit radio, but it was dead.

"Who's got the satellite phone?" Nash asked.

"I do," Paul pulled it out of his bag, "right here!" The man handed the bulky phone up to Nash, who dialed out.

Eyeing his daughter's hand until she removed it from his site manager's shirt, then looking up into the face that belonged to said site manager for a second, Grant unstrapped himself, climbed toward the back to the side door, and shoved. The door opened a few inches before hitting a branch. Jasmine was right behind him followed by Jami and Billy; the former was in a position where she could see out of the cockpit windows. Grant looked out and let out a quiet gasp as the ground reeled thirty feet below, he quickly shut and latched the door, trying to keep from vomiting.

"What is it?" Jasmine was concerned.

"Mm," he shook his head, "we haven't landed yet."

Jami whimpered softly, absentmindedly looking out the cockpit window while her hand found its way to Billy's which caused him to flush in the slightest though he didn't move, this was all new to him, but he wasn't going to complain.

"Shit!" Nash growled suddenly.

"What's the matter?" Paul asked but Amanda and Jami screamed because they saw a huge reptilian face appear in the cockpit window. "What, what?" Paul looked at his wife, confused.

"What is it, Jami?" Billy asked, looking down at her.

Suddenly, the plane lurched- and they heard a deep growl. The passengers held tight, paralyzed. Nash buckled himself into his seat. Suddenly, the plane was yanked from side to side. Battered this way and that, the terrified passengers tightly gripped their seats. Finally, the horrible sounds of wrenching metal, and the nose of the plane was ripped clean off. Nash and Udesky were suddenly sitting in the open air. The nose of the plane was tilting downwards, the jungle floor was far below. The passengers hung almost vertically in their seats, debris tumbled out the open end of the plane, some of it striking the pilot in the head. Udesky unbuckled his seat belt and climbed back up into the cabin. Nash followed but a long snout with dagger-like teeth pushed past the cockpit seats, opened wide, and clamped down on Nash's legs. The pilot cried out in agony. The other passengers grabbed onto his arms, trying to pull him back but it was no use. The dinosaur ripped Nash out of their grasp and down the aisle. Nash desperately grabbed on to the seat cushion, then watched in horror as the fabric ripped away. He was pulled out of the plane and dropped to the ground.

A giant foot stepped in the way as the snout of the creature reached down and quickly devoured the screaming pilot. It was a horrifying sight, but no one could turn away. Pleased with the appetizer, the creature came back for the main course. Grant tried to force open the jammed rear door. Billy tried to help with Jami attached to his back, but the door wouldn't budge. The dinosaur jammed its snout back into the fuselage and lunged for Amanda in the first row. She yanked her legs back as the jaws snapped shut. Behind the blond woman, Billy reached forward, unsnapped her seat belt and pulled her into the next row back. Paul unstrapped his belt and the group crowded into the rear of the passenger compartment. The shift in weight sent the fuselage tipping backwards. The plane broke free of the tree limbs, dropped tail-first to the jungle floor, and all screamed in blood-curdling unison. It slammed hard, then flipped over onto its roof. The passengers were sprawled over the ceiling of the plane, dazed by the impact. Everyone was cut and bruised at this point.

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