Chapter 5

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Much fatigued, the seven humans now marched upward towards a crest.

Panting and flushed, they reached the top of the ridge and gazed into the distance. Even Jasmine was feeling delirious and that didn't happen often. A jungle valley stretched before them. Not far off in a vast compound - comprising several buildings. One building alone seemed to cover several acres. The weary group breathed a sigh of relief, all but one, Jasmine, who wasn't so sure they would be safe in that building, even if for a few minutes. "I bet there's a very good chance Eric's in there," Paul said as he moved past everyone, "I'd bet my bottom dollar." Udesky and Grant shared dubious looks with Billy before continuing down into the valley with Amanda following.

"I don't know about that," Jasmine said, "I'm worried all we're going to find in there is danger."

Jami shook her head, "you're always so worried about danger no matter what unless we're at Dad's house," she complained, "do you not know how to be hopeful, even for a few seconds?"

Jasmine eyed her, "unfortunately, no," and she left it at that, moving away from Jami and Billy, who had been standing behind the younger of the two.

"Ooops," Jami said, "I must have hit a nerve."

"Seems like it," Billy said, "we better catch up."

The group emerged from the jungles and entered the compound. They walked through an overgrown parking lot, littered with abandoned vehicles. Some were lying on their side. Others were overturned completely. They weren't going to be driving anywhere. A troubled Grant peered through a windshield, partially caved in, like some giant head butted the glass. "This looks like the place where Uncle Ian got attacked by raptors," Jasmine whispered, shaking her head, more worried.

The group finally approached the front doors of an enormous building. As they headed up the front steps, Jasmine sensed something in the distance behind them: cat-like movements on the high ridge. Too fast to see what it was but too ominous to dismiss. The humans now found themselves in a sparse, quietly opulent corporate lobby that was now in the process of being reclaimed by the jungle, roots and ivy poked through the floor and walls. In the waiting area, the cushions of sofas and chairs had been gnawed at and pulled apart. Dusty coffee mugs and filled ashtrays laid on the table. The water had turned brackish in a nearby cooler.

Sudden flapping made Jasmine jump and pull out her dagger. The group looked up, seeing birds nesting in the rafters. Jami giggled at her honorary sister who huffed and put her dagger away. It was an eerie, haunted place.

"Eric! Are you here?" Paul shouted.

"Eric!" Amanda followed.

Billy and the Grants winced, bracing for danger while Jasmine pulled out her dagger again; all were listening for a response.


Paul and Amanda exchanged a despondent look.

Sitting on the reception counter was an official-looking telephone. Everyone had the same thought, but no one dared. "I highly doubt that the electricity is working in this place," Jasmine said glumly, still holding her dagger at the ready.

"Oh, what the hell, can't hurt to at least try," Amanda moved closer to the phone and put the receiver to her ear before putting it down on the desk.

"I knew it," Jasmine sighed, "oh, where the hell are you?" The brunette seemed to have been waiting for someone, but she put her dagger away and with Grant in the lead, the group headed deeper into the building.

Unseen by the rest of the group, a fleeting shadow flitted across the lobby's dirty windows with terrifying speed. Jami was the only one to see this and it scared her, she knew what it was, but she didn't think it would come after them. Gasping, she ran up to Billy's side and grasped onto his wrist which grasped his and Jasmine's attention. "What's wrong?" Billy asked, looking down at her.

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