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It had been several hours, and night had fallen.

Jami was dropped off at the front entrance to the hospital. She was alone, her backpack on her shoulders and a small pillow under one arm. She entered the building, moving with grace and purpose up to the front desk. "Hi, I'm Edwards-Grant, Jami A. L. and I'm here to spend the night with Brennan, William D.," she spoke softly, knowing it was late. "Can you register me?" Jami asked, placing her right hand onto the counter before her, ready to sign any papers if necessary.

The nurse at the desk smiled sweetly at the young woman. After a few clicks of the mouse and some clacking of the keys on the keyboard, "of course, you're in the system," she shifted to grab onto a clipboard, "just sign here and you can go right to his room," the nurse handed her the object.

The dinosaur girl took the clipboard, quickly but gracefully signing her name and writing in the date before handing it back, "thank you so much," the two exchanged smiles before Jami was walking down to Billy's room.

Moments later, she was gently opening the door. He was asleep, which made her smile intensify. Gently closing the door behind her, she moved to drop her pillow onto the seat of a chair and grasp onto the handles. Quietly moving it over to the right side of the hospital bed, Jami removed her backpack from her shoulders and grabbed her pillow. She sat down with a soft groan, her legs were tired. Putting the pillow behind her to support her back, she opened her backpack and pulled out her Peanuts blanket. Smiling at the Snoopy design, Jami gently placed her backpack on the floor before spreading the blanket over her legs.

A sigh escaped the dinosaur girl's lips as she leaned back against her pillow and the chair's back. Eyes closed tightly in exhaustion for a moment before eyelids fluttered back open, her gaze landing on Billy's peaceful countenance. Another smile appeared on her lips, sweeter than before as she gently shifted to place her hand upon his forearm, softly sliding her fingers down to his palm, his hand.

The sudden touch of a hand upon his skin sent shivers down his body and awakened him from his slumber. Billy opened his eyes, squinting. The room was dim, only being illuminated by the light of the machines and the electronic clock above his head. His eyes searched the darkness for the body belonging to the hand, landing on the girl to his right. He smiled, yawning softly.

"I didn't mean to wake you," Jami said softly.

He linked their fingers together, "no, no, it's okay," he squeezed her hand.

Jami squeezed his back, "if you say so," she paused for a moment, "we've got permission to land on Phiatarhia-earth when you're released."

"Really? That's great," he said softly.

A nod of her head, "mmhm, and Jasmine's going to take care of the dig for us while we're away," she said, "and she's going to make certain that Paul Kirby pays you and Dad for kidnapping us," she added with a giggle.

"That'd be nice, considering your father asked for a lot of money," he gave a quiet chuckle with her giggle.

"Yeah," she sighed once more. "I'm exhausted," she said, "I can't wait for you to be released," she leaned over, placing her cheek against the back of his hand.

Billy smiled down at her, "it will be nice to be free of all this tape and these tubes," he agreed with her. "It would be nice to be able to hold you again," he admitted, hesitantly but honestly.

"I'd like that, too." Closing her eyes once more, Jami gently rubbed her cheek against the back of his hand, "I could definitely use that right now," a beat, "being terrified and worried out of my mind is not fun, at all."

There was a long silence.

"I love you," Billy squeezed her hand once more, emphasizing his words, "despite the age difference."

Jami opened her eyes and lifted her head to show her joyful smile, "I love you, too." The dinosaur girl lifted their hands to place a kiss to the skin on the back of his hand before gently putting their hands back down on his head.

"I love you more." The adventurer was smirking, sweetly.

"I love you most." The bookworm was smirking, in return.

The Grant Files: Stranded on Isla SornaWhere stories live. Discover now