Chapter 11

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Suddenly, there was a faint whirring sound in the distance.

"Dr. Grant! Helicopters are coming!" Eric shouted and that's when the three Kirbys heard the engines while Grant looked down to the wet sand around him, finding there was a trail of three-toed tracks. "We're safe!" Eric again.

Jasmine heard the crackling of tree branches and went silent mid-sentence, an electronic voice from over the phone asked her what was wrong as her breath became ragged, "oh, no," she whispered.

"We're not safe yet," Grant said quietly, reaching for a terrified Jami.

The first chopper flew right over the Kirbys, Paul and Amanda were confused, until the second helicopter started to land, and they realized the first one was there to cover them.

Grant yelled at the first chopper, trying to wave it away, "NO! STAY BACK! THEY'RE IN THE TREES!" but the noise of the blades was deafening, there would be no way to keep the inevitable from happening now.

The dinosaur whisperer whined in disbelief, "just hurry up and get here! We're at the shore," she paused a moment remembering that her locator had fallen out of her pocket when she was struggling with a hysterical Jami after Billy was attacked by the Pteranodons, "track my phone, TRACK THE PHONE!"

At the tree line, the upper branches were shaking, confirming the cracking sound that Jasmine had heard. At first, it looked like it was just the wind off the chopper but something more was happening.

"Daddy?" A terrified Jami spoke softly.

A Pteranodon flew up out of the trees, it was the first of twenty. It was a gorgeous and terrifying sight. Horrified, the Costa Rican chopper pilot veered away but the Pteranodons were already on him. They smashed at the windows, grabbing on the skids, The chopper rolled wildly. One over-eager Pteranodon stuck his head up too high, getting decapitated by the blade. Jami and Jasmine winced at the sight from beside Grant when they heard, >we found your locator with a young man, Caucasian, mid-twenties< said an electronic voice from Jasmine's phone.

That caught the attention of the sixteen-year-old, "Billy?" Jami asked, looking at Jasmine as the second chopper touched down on the beach.

The Kirbys quickly loaded in, Eric was first, followed by his mother and then his father. Grant and the girls were running back the way they came, trying to reach the Kirbys and the chopper; Jasmine had dropped her phone before racing to keep up with her uncle and sister.

Meanwhile, the first chopper was losing the battle even as it struggled to climb higher. The helicopter suddenly tipped, falling, smashing into the trees like a massive fireball. Seeing the explosion, the second chopper pilot took off, not risking that happening to them. Eric, Amanda, and Paul were on board, but Grant and the girls were still racing against time to reach them. The helicopter passed right over the three racing humans just as another avian vehicle approached them.

>Jasmine!< It was the same electronic voice from the phone, and it had shouted the dinosaur whisperer's name.

"You have to go back! We can't leave them!" Amanda exclaimed to the pilot of the second chopper.

>Jasmine, here!< Again, the voice shouted from the strange ship. Jasmine stopped a moment which caused Jami and Grant to stop running, they stared at her in confusion.

"Jasmine, what are you doing?" Grant demanded of his honorary niece, worried it might be something idiotic.

Jami vigorously shook her head, "you're not leaving us, are you?"

>Jasmine! We have to go now! They are coming!< The electronic voice shouted once more, he gestured toward the Pteranodons behind the humans.

The Grant Files: Stranded on Isla SornaWhere stories live. Discover now