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I held my food tray in my hands as I tried getting a place to sit. Olive, my new friend was with me carrying her food tray as well. She was filling in on the groups they had in school.

On one end was the football team, that was where Finn sat with their girls. They were mocking people and being bunch of jerks, I wished I could just punch each one of them in the face.

Another end held the basketball team, they weren't exactly attracting any attention to themselves. They laughed at jokes they cracked and ate, well, their girls were not missing on their table either.

Finally, there was the soccer team where Aiden was. Beside him was a fake blonde clinging to him like he would escape anytime soon if she didn't hold on tight.

There were also very handsome boys with them on the table. I must say the soccer team had the finest boys. They also had the fakest girls. There were three of them, all fakes.

One with a fake blonde, I'd call her fake blonde, another with her face dolled up like barbie the doll, I'd call her barbie while the third obviously had her boobs done, that one I'd call boobies. The fake blonde was obviously Aiden's girlfriend.

The plan was to walk past then as we had sighted an empty table far from the crowd as the last thing I wanted was to get into trouble on my first day in school.

"Hi pretty". The voice of one of the soccer players caught my attention. He was staring right at me, I could tell he was referring to me.

The boy looked very cute with his brown curly hair and his adorable smile. If he didn't look double my size, I'd call him a little sweet kid.

"Hey". I replied with a bright smile. If he was friends with Aiden, this would be my one chance at getting close to him.

"Wanna join us for lunch?" He asked sweetly. With a look at Olivia, I returned his smile.

"Only if my friend can join as well". I replied him, he looked at his other friends for their permission and they all nodded, Aiden inclusive.

It was then I started staring more at him, when our eyes met, I smiled and he smiled in return. Good start!

Olivia and I settled down with them, one of the other boys was flirting hard with her like he had waited his whole life for that opportunity.

"It's good to finally have a beauty like you in Belleville High, real at least". The boy who had invited us told me to which I nodded.

"I'm Mike by the way, that's Hilton, Josh, Whitney...." He introduced his friends pointing at them one after the other. Whitney was the one flirting with Olivia.

"The red head over there is Felix, the other is Xander and...."

"...... Aiden" I finished up on his behalf the moment he pointed at Aiden with my eyes completely locked with Aiden.

Aiden didn't look surprised to see I knew his name, just amused. There was this mischievous smirk that crept onto his face.

"Isn't he so popular?" Mike said and I nodded.

"We take the same class together". I told him, turning to Aiden I asked "don't we?"

"Of course, you were distracted genius in physics today". He replied.

The way we stared at each other, I'd say there was a very visible current and the boys were kind of getting to notice.

"Yeah, good for you! I'm Paige, Aiden's girlfriend, over there is Tatty Whitney's girl and that's Beth Hilton's girl". Paige, well the fake blonde said in a kind of jealous manner. Let's just say she didn't appreciate the way I stared at her boy toy.

Tatty was the Barbie while Beth was the boobies. I smiled at her and turned my attention back to Aiden.

"Yeah, I was pretty distracted in class. Something by the window caught my attention". I told Aiden.

A smile crept to his face as he stared at me in disbelief. He definitely knew he was the something by the window.

"Could get you in trouble tho" he replied.

"Trouble? I love trouble". I told him, arching my right brow in a flirty manner.

"Uhm... Aiden, don't you have to see coach Kyle?" The fake blonde told Aiden looking very jealous and red. I smiled at her wack attempt on cutting us off.

"Yeah, I better get going". Aiden said getting up to leave. "Oh Belle, I'd be seeing you around". He added before leaving us all at the table, well with his clingy girlfriend following behind him.

Everyone gave me a kind of amused look, I bet no one expected the new girl flirting with the hot soccer captain while his girlfriend was watching.

"I know you think you are all that but you ain't Aiden Hitler's type and Paige isn't the type to let go of your stupid confidence. Watch your back bitch". Boobies said leaving the table with Barbie, Lord help me I forgot their names.

The days of Belle Ansley getting intimidated by some high school bitches are over. This is Belle Ansley who runs the school, the IT GIRL, The girl everyone respects because she got everything.

School went by pretty fast, well, Olivia took every second to mock Paige's look earlier at lunch.

While I waited for my driver in the school car park, I watched  Aiden's little make out with his girlfriend by what seemed to be Paige's car. He watched her drive out before  catching sight of me.

I smiled warmly at him, he smiled back and started heading towards me.

"You know your eyes tell exactly what's in your head". He told me as he got to my side. I smiled.

"And what is it that's in my head?" I asked him, turning to face him directly. Standing this dangerously close wasn't exactly a problem seeing the school was as good as empty.

"It keeps screaming..." He paused, then bent to my ear and whispered "I want you".

His breath fanning my skin and the sound of his voice so close sent shivers down my spine. I indeed wanted this boy who had a bitchy girlfriend.

"And what does yours say?" I asked him, stepping closer if that was even possible. I watched him gulp hard, the tension was so intense. It was cute watching him battle between staring at my eyes and my lips.

"Let me guess..." I said, standing on my toe, I moved my face close to his such that our lips were almost touching. "I want to kiss you". I finished.

His eyes grew dark and I bet if I hadn't moved away he would have actually kissed me. My car drove right in at that moment, parking right next to me.

"That's my ride Aiden, see you around". I told him with a wink and disappeared into my car.

THE IT GIRL; BELLEVILLE HIGHWhere stories live. Discover now