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Being the center of attraction is one thing I always hated, today, I kind of was reminded how it felt like. My name was on everyone's lips and not in a good way. I was either the bitch that stole Paige's boyfriend or the new slut in Belleville.

It was becoming annoying! If they truly were broken up and the relationship was all a facade, then I didn't steal anything from anyone.

As I stepped right into the door to the hallway, I felt something cold touch me. Actually, I was drenched in some liquid, was it..... Paint? Red paint!

What the fuck! I looked up to find Paige and her minions laughing down at me, there were others observing who laughed as well.

I wasn't going to let anyone take me back to my old days, I refuse to be the Belle who got bullied.

I picked my phone from my very expensive white channel bag which was now red and then called Aiden.

"You won't believe what happened, your bitch just drenched me in red paint". I whined over the phone.

"Oh my God! I'm so sorry Belle, where are you?" He replied.

"The hallway" I said.

"I'd be right there". At that, I ended the call and this time, it was my turn to laugh.

The girls were still laughing when Aiden rushed down, he gave me a leather jacket to cover up.

It was a really bad day for this trick as I had chosen an all white outfit with the exception of my blue boots.

"I'd get you a new dress, just go wash yourself okay?" He told me, holding my face in his hand.

He must have felt partly responsible for this, I could see it in his eyes. It's good to have the boy rushing down to you though, it spoke volume.

I looked up to see Paige's jealous face, with a mocking smile on my face, I went off to the washroom to get cleaned.

It was just a matter of time before Aiden got back with a blue, knee-length dress that hugged my body almost too much. It had a slit on the left leg that extended almost mid-thigh. My boot was also a victim of the foul play so he got me a white pair of heels.

"It looks just as perfect as I thought". He commented as I walked out after getting changed.

"Too much curves, Aiden". I complained.

"Just the way I like it" he replied with a wink. Damn, this boy was just so hot!

"Whatever! See you around, I've got to do something". I told him, and with a slight kiss on his cheek, I walked away.

The kids were now talking about how I've got Aiden wrapped up around my fingers, and how he'd never have done that for Paige.

The looks they gave me had switched from judgemental to that of admiration, funny how quickly views change.

I headed for the principal's office, she gave a regular grumpy response to the knock on the door and then the fake smile the moment she saw me. This was starting to get old.

"Miss. Ansley". She said with smiles. With an eye roll, I invited myself to seat right across her table.

"Are you aware of what happened in the hallway today?" I asked her, she was acting too normal like nothing had happened and it was annoying the hell out of me.

Suddenly realizing the reason for my visit, her countenance changed. She gave me that apologetic look that I wasn't buying.

I wield a lot of power in this school and this time, I'm going to utilize it. No one walks on Belle Ansley in Belleville, absolutely, no one!

"I assure you, she was only being childish". She replied.

I couldn't hold my laughter, she was so hilarious! She could shoot a comedy show with ease.

"Her childishness cost me my 2.6 million dollars bag! It was a limited edition. My boots cost 15,000 dollars and my clothes? An all white channel collection of 30,000 dollars. Woman, I wear money!" I was infuriated, she just said childish?

It was a full channel collection as I absolutely do not mix designers, when I wear one, I wear it complete.

"Oh my! Darling I'm so sorry". She replied.

"Oh I want a refund from her, directly!" I told her.

The principal had her mouth hanging wide, we both knew she couldn't afford it. Her entire family wasn't even worth my bag.

"Miss. Ansley, if I may...."

"No, you may not! I want a refund! And I want her here right now, alongside her minions". I told her.

Money is power and power is power and I've got money! Paige, the boobies and the Barbie appeared in no time.

A smile played on my face as they stared at me with shocked faces. I wasn't playing here, you don't get to mess with me.

"No way you brought a joke this far, Belle". Paige said in disbelief.

"Oh, it was a very expensive joke darling. A joke that'd cost you 4,645,000 dollars". The principal told them.

They stared at each other in confusion and then finally back at me. They don't seem to understand what was going on.

"I'd enlighten you, that's the cost of my full outfit with the exception of my salon fee cos you ruined my hair too". I told them smiling wickedly.

They all laughed probably thinking it was a joke until they realized how serious we were. Their laughter ceased and they suddenly became serious as well.

"No way your outfit costs that much". Barbie said.

"All channel, check out the prices".

Immediately, boobies pulled out her phone and started clicking. Her eyes bulged out almost immediately!

"Damn! It's fucking true". She said.

"Language Tatiana". The principal said reminding me of her actual name.

"I'm sorry" she replied.

"Okay, so are you saying we have to pay this to you?" Paige asked.

"Exactly!" I said.

"Where would you have us find such money?" She asked again.

"Oh that's your fucking problem. You should have thought about that". I told her and got up. Turning to the principal I said "They had better fucking pay me or there is going be a big issue".

With that, I walked out. The look on their faces were priceless, they were in deep shit and they knew it. Now they understand who not to mess with.

THE IT GIRL; BELLEVILLE HIGHWhere stories live. Discover now