Classes and Lunch

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Trigger warning; mention of abuse

Once we quickly found our seats, the professor walked in. We saw Crewel-sensei walk in and he looked prepared to lecture us. He said, "Ah. You must be my new homeroom students. Hm, that's quite the unusual coat of fur. Do make sure that you arrive properly groomed. My name is Divus Crewel. You can call me Master Crewel. Now, take your seats. Class is about to begin. Now, we will start with the basics. And by that, I mean beating the names and characteristics of one hundred poisons and herbs into your tiny brains. The mycelia are another matter. But eventually, I'm hopeful you'll be able to take a walk without putting anything poisonous into your gaping maws. For now, I realize you all have the self control of voracious hounds. But I will not abide a single student failing this class. Expect to be drilled accordingly."

Deuce softly asks, "Huh...Does anyone know what a mycelia is?"

I quickly but softly answer, "It's the root system of a fungus. It's how mushrooms are able to get nutrients. If you need help on a concept, I'll make flashcards to help focus on a specific topic."

"Can you? That'll be nice."

Ace, grumbling says "I've never been one for like, memorizing what things are, ya know?"

Grim, louder than the Heartslabyul students, whispers "All I care about is learning the Yummy plants from the yucky ones."

Both Yuu and Shun think, 'I wonder how different Alchemy is from Chemistry.'

After Crewel-sensei finished his introduction, he started to lecture on the some of the more common herbs used in Alchemy. He then says, "Now, with that being said, Shun! What are characteristics of Wolfbane?"

"It is highly toxic unless processed, and it has a vibrant purple blue color while the petals look like hoods. Another name it could be called is also Aconite."

"Hmm. It seems that some of you pups were paying attention. Although do be careful to distingush the difference between Aconite and Winter Aconite, because even though the name sounds different, the effects it has are not the same. Winter Aconite is Yellow, with the petals blooming out from the center. It also is alot more toxic than Aconite."

After the pop quiz like question, Crewel-sensei kept on lecturing on until it was time to switch classes. After we packed up we entered the history classroom, which had an older man with grey hair and a cat looking like he was about to start a lecture.

"I am your History of Magic teacher, Mozus Trein

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"I am your History of Magic teacher, Mozus Trein. And this is my familiar, Lucius. You are here to learn the rich history of magic, and how it sculpted the world which you now so easily take for granted."

'Oh no, he is one of the heavy lecture teachers with a monotone pattern of speech... Might have to be careful to not fall asleep...'


"I grade based on classroom behavior as well as quality of work. Don't let me catch you sleeping. Now, let us open our books to page fifeteen. This section concerns the magestones discovered in the Dwarf's Mine..."

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