Voyage into the Palace Once More

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Sorry, this chapter was so late. I got busy with finals, but once the last one happens, I should be able to have a more consistent schedule. Also, any criticism is welcomed so I know what to improve for later chapters.
I feel a pull to my consciousness, so I wake up even though I always need sleep. When I wake up, it is not in the old rickety bed I fell asleep in but the plush velvet of a coffin. As I started to get out of the coffin, I heard Sophia muttering to herself, but it did not sound like her voice.

The muttering stops when Igor says, "Welcome back to the Velvet Room, Traveler. As you know, the Persona ability is the power to control one's heart... And the heart is strengthened through bonds. Yesterday, you entered a partnership with someone who awoke to the same power, did you not? Involving yourself with others is an important foundation for learning how to change the path of fate they are walking on. That being said, I am not advising the formation of superficial relationships. It must not be of frivolity but a ring of those who would, by morals or faith, lend you their strength. In other words, they are bonds with those who had their worldview shifted. The expansion of said ring will, in return, help you mature as well."

Sophia then adds, "Personas are the strength of heart... The stronger the bonds that surround you, the more power your Personas will gain."

After Sophia mentions the strength of bonds, Igor states, "Even if you are confident with yourself, you still can be guided by others. However, the only way to receive that guidance is by asking and discussing with others. So if you have any lingering questions, ask away."

While I think of the most pressing question I want to answer, I also think, 'Even though the contract I signed said to take responsibility for my actions, it is always helpful to know that I could get something clarified if it seems murky.'

At this point, I hear another voice overlapping with Sophia's. Even though Sophia is in the room with me, her mouth doesn't move when I hear,

"I am thou, thou art I...
Thou has acquired a new vow.
It shall become the wings of rebellion
that changeth thy story.
With the birth of the Fool Persona,
I have gained the winds of blessing that
shall lead to wisdom and new power..."

Once the bond was made and I decided on the most pressing questioaskedI ask Igor and Sophia, "Today, I heard the voice of Riddle's shadow before I entered the Palace. Why is that?"

After deciding how to tell Shun the information, Igor states, "The magic that thrives in this world makes the veil between the collective unconscious and the conscious world very thin. That is why you can utilize your persona as magic. Also, a person's story is shaped by both their past and the people they connect with. Due to these connections, every choice made will change the flow of fate."

Understanding that he could not answer that question due to the cryptic nature of his statement, I say, "Makes sense. Is there any way I could visit here on my own time? I feel like it is inconvenient to summon me through sleep."

Sophia then says, "Sorry about that, Traveler. If you ever need to visit the Velvet Room on your own time, all you need to do is unlock the Velvet Door with this key."

After Sophia finished speaking, she handed me a key. From what the key looked like, it seemed that there were cracks of Velvet Blue throughout the key, which could be seen easily against the grey steel of the key.

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