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Perrie's POV
Now I'm not the one for cliches. I don't love the classic the guy gets the girl, but I also don't hate them. I guess you can say it's a love hate relationship.

For example, Romeo and Juliet. They went though all the bullshit life threw at them, but in a way they got what they wanted. Sure they die at the end, but they were in love. But now let's say every romance novel out there. The bad boy and the nerdy girl who turns red at the word 'crap'. That's a cliche, he turns 'good for her because he loves her'. Well what if he only turned good because he realised that hating the world isn't getting him anywhere and wanted to actually do something with his life? Now, not only is that a plot twist it's also not what people want. They want the mushy mumbo-jumbo bullshit.

Romeo and Juliet is a perfect example of an actual relationship, than someone changing for the person they loved. Now if it was up to me (which I think it is) I would rather kill myself than change for someone. Like my behavior, personality, attitude that's who I am and you're not changing that.

What's the whole point of loving someone if you're trying to change them? You fell in love with the person you meet not the person you're changing them into. It's complete utter bullsh-

"Perrie, please repeat what I just said"

I snap out of my chain of thoughts, to try and remember what he was blabbing about.

"Um. I'm not sure, sir." I mumble and slowly put my head down, but not completely so I could still see.

"Well, since some people weren't paying attention." He saids staring right at me.

I hear people around me snickering and making side comments.

I internally groan and just hope that the bell will end my suffering.

"Okay as I was saying, finals will take place all of next week. The homework I am assigning you will help you pass. Now since there's a few minut-"


Thank the lord.
Hey guys! Well here's the first chapter of Gummy Worms! I hope you guys love this as much as My Little Stalker.
Well please vote, comment, and share!
Until the next update
Love you all my little lovelies!
-Jackiee :)

Gummy WormsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora