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Perrie's POV
"Do you have a class after Lunch?" Evan asked me. We were talking the whole lunch shift and realised that lunch was ending in 5 minutes.

"No. I have a free period" I replied. I'm so glad I had the period free because that means I can go home early. But me not having a car is the whole dilemma ,so I just walk to Starbucks and just chill there until it almost time for dismissal and ride the school bus to Sweet Tooth to get some candy and make my way to my house.

"So do I." He saids and a awkward silence makes it way into the conversation we were having. I just nod and look around seeing students pack up their things and get prepared for the last class of the day.

"We should go somewhere" Evan announces after a short period of time. He looks at me waiting for my reply. "What do you mean?" I ask him. "We should go somewhere that's what I mean."

I think about all the possible ways that this could end horribly. But this is Evan Granger we're talking about he's the one who suggested that we should hang out. I unconsciously bit my lip and look at him.

Come on Perrie, what the worse that could happen?

"So what do you want to do?" I ask him. He seemed shocked that I actually agreed to go with him. "Well I have a few ideas."


"And then he fell out of the tree!" Evan exclaimed while holding his stomach. I was on the verge of crying actual tears.

He took me to a small diner that he claims has the "greatest food in the entire world" and he's not wrong. Taking the first bite was moan worthy.

Now here we are in some small park near the school and surprisingly I'm not nervous. Being around Evan has made me confident. Maybe it's the way he looks at me or the way his smile makes the butterflies in my stomach erupt. Either way these few hours makes me feel disconnected from the world.

"You know Perrie I've enjoyed hanging out with you" Evan tells me. I smile at his statement.

He's enjoyed hanging out with me.

"I've enjoyed hanging out with you too Evan." I say back at him. He seems to enjoy my reply as a smile appears on his face. But because this is my life of fucking course my phone rings. Let me just say my ringtone isn't...normal.

"Yo bitch answer your phone." Saids the fantastic danisnotonfire. Yes I have Dan as my ringtone.

I can feel my face heating up as I reach in my pocket for my phone.

Incoming call from

Wow mom you have good timing. I swip to answer the call and awkwardly smile at Evan.

"Perrie where are you?" My mom said through the phone.

"I'm out with a friend." I reply, silently praying she won't ask who my friend is. Can I even say that Evan and I are friends? I'd like to think so.

"Okay sweetie just don't stay out too late."

"Okay bye Mom."

"Bye Perrie." And she hung up.

I turn to look at Evan. "Sorry about that my mom was just wondering where I was."

He smiles at me and saids that it's okay. He asks me if I wanted to go on the playground and well I replied with a yes. Internally I was jumping with joy but externally I was giving a vibe that was saying I didn't really care. He grabs my hand and pulls me to the slide, the skin on skin contact sends butterflies to my stomach. He looks back at me with his beautiful smile and continues to lead me. I feel a smile making it's way onto my face. He let's go much to my disliking and climbs up the stair/ladder contraption. He looks back at me and saids "Are you coming or what?". I smile up at him and start climbing the contraption.

He sits on the slide and starts turning around. It's more exhilarating that way he claims and starts his descent down the slide. The slide is very tube like and high up. You can hear his laughter echo out of the slide then a loud ploof! Followed by a loud "OW!"

Panic floods through me, I quickly go in the slide and go down. What I didn't realise was that Evan was starting to stand up. As I reach closer and closer, I crash into him and we both fall onto the mulch.

"FUCK!" He shouts as my body collides with his. I groan and start to get up. "Are you okay?" I ask him. He looks up at me and nods but I know better. "I'm just glad that I broke your fall." He tells me. I can feel the blush rise and I shyly look away from him. It then hit me on how we were positioned. I was straddling his lap, with his hands on my calfs. He was now sitting up straight, his eyes shined so bright the sun hitting them perfectly. But with one swift movement this could turn heated. I see his eyes glance at my lips every now and then as he starts to lean in closer.

I'm about to kiss Evan Granger.

He's so close to my face I could feel his breathing. Just as his lips are about to touch mine...I panic and yell "SQUIRREL!" and quickly climb off his lap. It took him a few seconds to process what just happened and he turns to give me a look of confusion. "What?" He questions me. By now I'm pretty sure my face is red as tomato. "I erm thought I saw a squirrel." I explain. I mentally facepalm at myself.

"You thought you saw a squirrel?" He questions me further. "Yeah and look at the time I should be heading home." I say checking my phone. It wasn't that late it was only 6:45. "Oh okay I'll take you home then." He tells me and I just nod. We walk back to his car in silence. Let's just say that the whole car ride was awkward. The only spoken words were my directions on how to get to my house.

Once we pull up the driveway, he parks the car and turns to look at me with his gorgeous eyes. "I had fun hanging out with you Perrie." He tells me with a smile. "I had fun too." And I did up until that awkward moment at the bottom of the slide, this was the most fun I have ever had. "I should head inside." I tell him and unbuckle my seatbelt. I open the door and step out of the car. "Bye Evan." I tell him and close the door. I'm almost at my front door when I hear a car door open followed by rapid footsteps. I turn around and see Evan. He grabs my wrist and pulls me into a tight hug. His arms are around my waist and his head is in the crook of my neck. I wrap my arms around his shoulders and stand on my tippy toes to try and reach his height. "Bye Perrie." He whispers in my ear. "Thanks for making this the best day ever."

1239 words. I think I succeeded on this update. And yes I know on my last update I said I had a break and I was going to update on break. But please don't kill me as I have a valid reason. Well kind of. Being as this is my first year in High School I've learned that you get a shitload of homework and that I should probably do it. The homework not okay you get what I mean.


I hope y'all loved this update. And I hope I'll update soon!

Until the next update
Love you all of my little lovelies!
-Jackiee :)x

Last song: Hey Everybody! -5sos

Side note I'm rewriting Texting (yes for a third time) and I have another book I'm planning on working on but I'm still not sure. Okay that's it byyyeeeee!

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