Chapter 4:The Journey To Planet Shoma! The Mission Begins!

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Jaco glanced at the three last saiyans standing behind his back before gulping in face, his face having over a million sweat beads.

Jaco glanced glanced at the radar before gulping.

"Attention all saiyans, we would be reaching Planet Shoma in ten minutes!"Jaco announced.

The galactic patrol spaceship flew, getting closer to the planet, Jaco readied the engines as they flew into the atmosphere.

The spaceship shook as Jaco navigated his way through.

"The energy's getting stronger."Goku said as the came out of the planet's atmosphere.

Jaco landed the spaceship carefully before sighing in relief.

"We have arrived everyone."

The hatch opened and Goku, Vegeta and Broly flew out.

Jaco stuck his head out."Good luck you saiyans, I could stay but I have work to do."

He tossed Goku a button like device.

"Press that button in the middle and it would contact me, good luck saiyans."

The hatch closed and the spaceship shot into the sky.

The planet surface was covered in dust and wind blew furiously.

"Hey, anybody you sensing that?"Goku asked as he looked around.

"Yeah, am sensing it too, it's weak."Vegeta said.


"What was that?!"Vegeta yelled.

Goku's eyes narrowed before he suddenly shot into the sky.

"Hey Kakarot, wait!"Vegeta growled before shooting into the sky after Goku.

Broly had no choice but to follow after.

"Kakarot, what the hell are you doing?!"Vegeta yelled.

Goku suddenly landed on the ground before shooting forward.

He kicked away the hound before landing and getting in a fight stance.

"Kakarot."Vegeta said as he landed with Broly.

Vegeta turned around to see a girl with purple skin and white hair with pink eyes seeming alarmed and scared.

Goku kicked the hound, it flew high into the air, Goku flew up before kicking it down.

It flew before crashing into ground.

Goku landed before walking towards the girl."Don't worry, you're safe now."

The girl bowed."Thank you for saving me."

"Whoa calm down, get up."Goku said.

The girl looked up."As a token of honour, allow me to serve you a meal at my house."

"Kakarot, we don't have time for this."Vegeta growled.

"Come on Vegeta, I'm hungry!"Goku complained.

"Fine, but as soon as were done, we get back to the search for the high power level."Vegeta growled.

"Sure thing!"Goku replied.

"What about you Broly?"Goku asked.

Broly looked startled before answering."Mmm... Okay."

"All right!"Goku yelled.

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