Chapter 7:The Battle of Prince Vegeta! Broly And Vegeta!

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"It time for you to witness the true power of Prince Vegeta!"Vegeta yelled before charging at maniac Broly.

Maniac Broly looked surprised before quickly blocking the attack.

Maniac Broly struggled as he gritted his teeth, Vegeta smirked.

"What's the matter Broly? Am I too tough for you!"Vegeta taunted.

Maniac Broly yelled before throwing Vegeta away, Vegeta flew before stopping mid-air.

"Weak."Vegeta commented before forming a kai blast in his hand.

Maniac Broly defected it before shooting into the sky.

What?!, Vegeta though as his eyes widened.

Maniac Broly's mouth opened and a kai blast started forming within it.

With a roar, maniac Broly released the attack.

"Galick Gun!"Vegeta yelled.

The two attacks collided, each one battling for dominance.

Vegeta roared as he began to power up, a blue aura flaming around him.

"If you think you would win this battle,"Vegeta struggled for a bit."Then how wrong you are!"

Vegeta yelled one final time and his attack took over maniac Broly's own.

Maniac Broly yelled in pain and agony as Vegeta's attack sallowed him.

Goku and Broly watched in awe and surprise.

"No way..."Goku whispered with widened eyes.

Maniac Broly flew away before crashing in the far mountains.

Vegeta breathed heavily before landing on the ground, he reverted back to base form.

"That was it,"Vegeta breathed."The true power of Prince Vegeta!"

From far away, something shot up into the sky.

"What's happening?!"Goku yelled.

Maniac Broly crashed into the ground, his body covered in bruises and wounds.

Maniac Broly yelled, a green aura suddenly exploded around him, the ground broke and shattered.

"No way!"Vegeta exclaimed.

"His energy just increased!"Goku said before narrowing his eyes."It like he gets stronger every fight, Vegeta if we want to win, we're going to have to fight him together."

Vegeta nodded."Right Kakarot."

Broly took a step forward.

Goku placed his hand on Broly's shoulder.

"Wait, not you big guy, don't want you losing control."Goku said.

Goku jerked his thumb to maniac Broly."We already have him to deal with but you can serve as backup."

Goku's face turned serious."Let do this Vegeta."

Goku and Vegeta walked towards maniac Broly.

Maru ran as fast as she could before falling behind a rock, she looked from behind it with a worried face.

Goku, please win this battle, she thought.

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