Chapter 10:The Fight Ends Now

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The planet shook as a battle erupted between Broly and Maniac Broly.

Yells and Shouts filled the air as both saiyans powered up, the sky a dangerous green glow.

"What's happening?"Goku asked.

Broly yelled as he punched and kicked maniac Broly who did his best to try and dodge.

Broly kicked maniac Broly away, maniac Broly flew away before crashing into the ground.

Broly opened his mouth and a kai blast formed inside, he yelled before shooting it at maniac Broly.

Maniac Broly opened his mouth and shot a kai blast of his own at Broly.

The two attacks collided and fought for dominance.

"Vegeta, we have to help Broly!"Goku yelled.

"Behind you Kakarot!"Vegeta yelled back.

Both saiyans readied themselves, preparing their attacks.

"KAMEHAMEHAAA!!!"Goku yelled and released his attack.

"Galick Gun!"Vegeta yelled and released his own attack.

The two saiyans attacks merged with Broly's own and engulfed maniac Broly's own.

"Nnnnooooooo!!!"Maniac Broly yelled as Goku, Vegeta and Broly's attacks engulfed him.

A black portal suddenly opened and maniac Broly flew inside before it closed

Goku and Vegeta turned to Broly who was still in his berserk form.

He stumbled before falling to his knees and reverting to base form.

"Broly!"Goku yelled before running to him.

"You okay?"Goku asked.

Broly nodded.

They heard footsteps and turned around to see Maru and other villagers.

The ground of people parted to reveal and old looking alien walking towards them.

"Greetings foreigners,"The old alien greeted."I'm the village head of this village, as gratitude for saving our planet, we want you to have some of our mineral resources."

With that, servants came forth with a cloth before setting down in front of the saiyans.

Goku unwrapped the cloth to reveal pink looking stones.

"Whoa, thank you."Goku said as he wrapped the cloth back.

"With that, we hope you have a safe journey."The village head said.

"Byeeee!"The villagers yelled as Goku, Vegeta and Broly flew away in Jaco's spaceship.

"Oh my!"Bulma yelled as she examined the stones under a microscope.

"What is it Bulma?"Goku asked.

"I can't believe it, these stones are able to power spaceship if only refined!"Bulma exclaimed."Oh thank you Goku!"

"Right but I have to get back to ChiChi."Goku said before jumping out of the window and shooting into the sky.

"Are you okay Broly?"Cheelai asked with a worried expression.

Broly nodded."I'm fine."

Cheelai sighed in relief."I thought something bad might have happened to you."

Broly smiled before pulling her and Lemo into a hug.

"Hey Broly what's the big idea?!"Cheelai questioned.

"Yeah, what is it?"Lemo questioned.

But Broly just smiled and continued to hug them.

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