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Once I finished reporting back to the alpha, I went back to my room in the pack house and went to sleep, or tried to at least it's just something about that girl Amber made me drawn to her to the point I don't want to be away from her, hell all I can think about her the way she looks, the way she acts, the way she has confidence and sass rolling of her, the way her hair has waves in it to cast of a silver light of her blonde hair when the moon shines on it and everything else about her. 


God damn this cage pisses me off and I just arrived last night, and those three girls are getting on my nerves, they just don't shut up and keep arguing and that blonde hatchling is becoming a problem at this rate because she doesn't stop trying to escape even though it's pointless and I'm pretty sure they got someone to cast a spell to stop us from shifting. That one girl with Caramel skin Kris I think her name is keeps trying to tell her to stop and she's making her injuries worse even though I don't see any on her but maybe she's just good at hiding them, it does make me curious because that girl is paler than she should be. 

Damn it I keep trying to escape but it's not working and it's fucking magic proof, I have a fuck hole in the side of my abdomen because I got in paled by a damn stick while crash landing in this damn cage and it's not healing because they don't feed us anything that will help us heal or gain strength, bastards at this rate I might as well prepare my funeral for how much blood I lost and not being treated and the only other person that knows I'm injured and tries to help is Kris. That bitch Maria just broods in the fucking corner and acts like she has a stick up her ass, and then theirs Jewels that's trying to make the best of everything when we can’t even stand each other, like come on stop trying to be the peace keeper and fucking say what you wanna say. I would yell the thing I wanna say but I am already weak as is and need my strength to try my escape plans.

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