⚔︎The Past Stings⚔︎

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Tyler's POV:

I'm shocked. I thought that Wednesday would hate me. But instead, she ran up to me. This was extremely out of character for her. And then she giggled to Enid. Giggled. I can't say that I was disappointed. Just... Surprised.

"Are you even listening?" Mrs. Addams, Wednesday's mom, the Headmaster, said.

"Umm... Yes?" I responded. To be completely honest, I hadn't been listening.

"As I was saying, there are no more dorms open, so Tyler will be staying in Ophelia Hall with Wednesday and Enid," Mrs. Addams said.

"What about Xavier's room? Rowan won't be here this semester, so he has an empty spot in his dorm," Wednesday said.

"Xavier refused to room with Tyler," Mrs. Addams responded. "His father is quite rich and popular, and I do not want to risk getting sued. Or worse."

"Typical," Wednesday muttered as we left Mrs. Addams's office and started up the spiral staircase to Ophelia Hall. Both of the closets were quite big, so Enid and Wednesday decided to share one and give me the other.

"I have had a rather busy day," Wednesday said, glancing at me. "So I'm going to hit the shower."

I think that I will feel more comfortable rooming with familiar people who probably don't hate me than being with a bunch of random people who wish that I were dead. Enid sat down on her bed and motioned for me to come over. I did, and she immediately started talking about me and Wednesday.

"Sooo," she said. "Are you and Wednesday dating?"

"To be completely honest," I stated, "I have no idea. She ran up to me and kissed me. I would like to, but I respect her feelings and I don't want her to become overwhelmed and feel like she needs to date me, you know?"

She just nodded. "Anyway, I'm going to get my pj's on. Go into your man cave and hide."

We both found ourselves laughing at this. "Man cave?" I asked.

"I don't know!"

I walked into my 'Man Cave' and closed the door. I heard Enid humming a tune of some pop song as I closed the door. I turned around but felt a cold breeze at my back. I glanced at the door and realized that it hadn't closed. I pushed it shut, but it opened back up again. This time I gave a big, hard shove, and it came bouncing completely open. Enid didn't see, luckily. I glanced out the open door for a split second and fell backward onto the cold, wooden floor. She had scratches all over her back and arms. I felt tears form in my eyes when I realized they were from me. I looked back once more and she was applying some cream to a big scar that went from her shoulder blade and wrapped around her torso. She whimpered as she did so as if it still hurt. She had deep cuts on her neck from when I held her against the tree. I slammed the door shut. Then I buried myself under my covers and began to cry.

I heard the bathroom door open and close. There was muffled talking between Enid and Wednesday. Then my closet door opened.

"Tyler?" I heard Wednesday ask.

Blankets were thrown off my back. I could feel Wednesday's cold hands lifting me up.

"Tyler," she said calmly. "Tyler, what's wrong?"

"Enid," I wimpered. "Her back... The scratches... Oh... Wednesday. It's me! All me! It's my fault! Enid! She is in pain because of me. I don't deserve this. Wens. I don't deserve you.

"Tyler," she snapped. "Tyler, listen to me. I don't understand emotions, but I think that you are feeling some form of guilt. Tyler, listen to me," she said as I laid back down. "The past stings, Tyler, but you can't change it. Enid forgave you. Eugene forgave you. I forgave you. You say you don't deserve me, Ty, and it's true. You deserve someone better."

"I love you, Wens," I said back. "I really do."

"I love you too, Tyler," she responded cooly. "But not when you call me 'Wens'. You know I hate nicknames. Now hurry up! Enid is forcing me to watch Bratz and as much as I love torture, is rather watch be tortured with you."

I grumbled. Bratz was not my type of movie.

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