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Tyler's POV:

Two weeks later:

I am now able to walk normally, but my head still hurts. I haven't seen Wednesday yet. I made my way to our dorm. I opened the door and walked in.

Wednesday sprinted towards me as soon as I got in the room. She stopped less than a foot away from me.

"I missed you," she said. Without saying anything else, she leaped into my arms.

"I missed you, too," I said. She was so pretty up close. Her pale, ghostly skin. Her hazelnut brown eyes. And the little brown dots that freckled her cheeks and nose. Without saying anything she kissed me. As our lips pressed together I realized, not only did she really, truly, love me, but that she would never stop.

After I set her down, she started talking.

"It's Outreach Day tomorrow," she said. "I have an idea."

Wednesday turned on a horror documentary about Jeffrey Dahmar. We snuggled together in my man cave, until Enid opened the door.

"You guys!" she screamed. "It's Outreach Day!"

We scrambled to get ready, and then raced to the quad to get our assignments. I got the Weathervane, which was a surprise. Enid also got the Weathervane, and Wednesday didn't tell us her assignment. When we got to the town square, the new mayor was speaking. He was overly friendly. He introduced himself as Brent Atlas. He was apparently friends with Xavier's dad, and he had a son named James Atlas. I will say, James looked a lot like his father. James was about our age, and had on a beige suit and tennis shoes, same as his father. We were released our assignments, and Wednesday finally revealed her assignments.

"I got..." she started. "The... WEATHERVANE!"

"OMG Wesnesday!" Enid squealed. "We can make coffee together!"

"Oh," Wednesday said. "Isn't that wonderful."

We walked into the backroom to get our uniforms.

"Do you have a black one?" Wednesday asked me. "I don't look good in beige and red."

"Actually," I started. "Yes. The old uniforms were black and gray."

I handed the black one to Wednesday and the beige one to Enid. Then we walked out and started working. I heard the bell on the door ring as Mayor Atlas walked in. His son, James, came in right behind him.

"Looks like a successful Outreach Day is upon us," he said to Mrs. Addams, who had followed us in here. Those words stung. Mayor Walker had said that exact thing to our old Headmaster, Ms. Weems. In the Weathervane.

"Ah, yes," Mrs, Addams sighed as she rang the bell. She asked for a dark chocolate mocha.

"Enid," Wednesday called. "Can you take my mom's order?"

Enid didn't respond. We shrugged it off and Wednesday prepared the coffee for Mrs. Addams.

"Cheers," Mrs. Addams started, "To our first Outreach Day together!"

I walked into the backroom to get Enid. I called her name, but she didn't respond.

"Enid?" I called. "Enid! This isn't funny-"

I screamed. There was blood on the floor, and Enid's necklace that Ajax had got her was in the middle.

"Tyler?"Wednesday called. "Come on we ha-"

Wednesday gasped. "Where is she?"

"I don't know," I said.

"Look!" she shouted. "Footsteps!"

They weren't made by Enid's obnoxiously tall, pink platforms. They were made by tennis shoes.

"They look the same size as your shoes, Tyler," Wednesday remarked. "So the culprit is our age."

We followed the bloody footprints into an ally, then stopped in front of a garbage can. I opened the lid, but it was empty. Wednesday climbed in and started feeling for a secret passageway.

"There has to be something Enid could have fell through," Wednesday said thoughtfully. "If only-"

I screamed as the ground plummeted downwards into a seemingly bottonless pit of disdain.

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