Jealousy Part 1 (Old)

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(A/N: READ THIS BEFORE READING BELOW, Hello! This is the original/old version of this story. Please read the newer version first if you have never read this story before. It's less confusing, and the new parts might not line up with the old parts. Overall, the newer version is better in my eyes. Thanks for reading in the first place! To read the updated version, go the the Jealousy Part 1 (New/V2.5) chapter in this book.)

Y/n and her best friend, Lizzie, live in Old Corona. Y/n, that's you, has h/c hair and e/c eyes. Your friend, Lizzie has lime green hair and gray eyes. You and Lizzie have been great friends since you were both very young, but recently you've been spending less time around each other. Y/n takes trips to the castle, to visit her friend Princess Rapunzel whom she met in Corona one time near the fountain painting on it, until she noticed Y/n, and got excited as she's seeing someone she has never met. You both got along well, so you decided to visit Corona more often to see her.

Lizzie, on the other hand, has been spending time in Old Corona with the mysterious "wizard" - who isn't actually a wizard, Lizzie always clarifies, but the townspeople call him that anyway. His real name's Varian - and you have always been jealous of the time Lizzie gets to spend with him.

Your parents never really wanted you to hang out with Varian since he's "dangerous", and you always object and say that Lizzie knows him and he's not! But they don't really listen. You understand they do this because they love you, but they just don't understand. They never will.

You and Lizzie are walking through Corona today. It's because today is the Goodwill Festival.

Lizzie is telling you about how she met Rapunzel. Apparently she and Cassandra had visited Lizzie and Varian recently. "Me and Var were working on some raccoon traps, a humane way to deal with the raccoon problem we have in Old Corona... But then we hear people coming!" Lizzie explains to you as you both walk through town. You don't like how she calls him "Var". Not one bit. "So, Var gets his scary suit on, which I said is unnecessary but, you know him." Lizzie continues, "No, actually, I don't." you comment. Lizzie chuckles and says "I really need to introduce you two sometime!" You nod, hoping that's the case - but you've never convinced your parents that it's okay and you don't often find the right time to meet him without your parents knowing.

You and Lizzie listen as the king announces to a crowd of people "We have much to celebrate during this year's Goodwill Gopher Grab. Not only is this the 500th anniversary, but we commemorate this, Princess Rapunzel's very first festival."

The crowd cheers, you and Lizzie cheering along.

The King continues, "To mark this joyous event, our Princess has redesigned the Gopher Grab seal of Goodwill!"

Below where the King and Rapunzel are standing, the new Gopher Grab seal is revealed. In the center is a gopher, and around it is Rapunzel-style designs, like branches with leaves and birds.

"Wow! It's beautiful. Rapunzel is a really good artist. You're lucky to have her as a friend!" Lizzie says to you. "Yeah, well..." Your mind trails to Varian. 'You're lucky to have Varian as a friend' you think. But you don't say it out loud, and instead reply "I guess she got really good, being locked up in a tower with nothing else to do for so long."

You and Lizzie continue walking though town, and enjoying the festival together. This is the first time in a while that you've spent time together, just you and her.

But, no matter how hard you try, you just can't get Varian off your mind. You think you're crazy, always thinking about him even though you've never formally met. You have watched him from afar before, but you haven't ever really... Talked to him.

Other than the occasional wave, or the "Hello" when your paths cross, but then you leave, not having any time to talk as you're busy with something else.

Later that day, much, much later, you and Lizzie decide to end your day of fun... By entering the Goodwill Gopher Grab! Which sounds amazing, you and Lizzie, competing together in the Goodwill Gopher Grab!

But you can tell she has something up her sleeve. An idea.

Ever since the king announced the new Gopher Grab seal, Lizzie has been acting a little, shall I say, sus.

But you don't voice your suspicions. Besides, Lizzie's your friend. She won't do anything to harm you... Right?

You and Lizzie hear the bells ringing. It's Gopher Grab time!

As you approach the Gopher Grab place, you hear an announcer "Attention ladies and gentlemen, it is nearly time for this year's Gopher Grab!"

"Oh! Quick, let's sign up!" Lizzie says, running backwards towards the tents.

You get to a tent with some paper and a quill. Assuming that's the sign-up tent, you and Lizzie run towards it and you write your name there... But Lizzie does not.

"Lizzie, write your name c'mon we don't have time to waste..." You say.

"Ohh, well... I might have told a little lie. I'm not competing with you..." Lizzie says as her smile grows. You don't know who she thinks you're going to compete with, but she definitely had this up her sleeve.

"...Who is?" You ask, raising and eyebrow.

Lizzie's smirk grows on one side and she whispers "Varian is."

You let out a small gasp. But, honestly, what did you expect? "W- I- Er- C-" you stammer. Lizzie giggles.

Then, you hear running from behind you. You turn around to look, lo and behold it's him. It's Varian! You smile, you've never been THIS close to Varian before!

He stops near Lizzie, panting. "Sorry" he says in between breaths. "...I'm late."

"Oh, it's okay! Hey, the grab hasn't started yet, you still have time!" Lizzie says to Varian.

"Oh, yeah. Time for... What, exactly?" Varian says to her. 'What does he mean 'time for what', did Lizzie not tell him, either?' You think.

Lizzie giggles, and takes his hand to drag him over to the signup paper. "The gopher grab, silly." He looks at the paper and processes what he's looking at, then raises an eyebrow.

"Lizzie... Your name's not here." He says flatly.

"Oh, well... I might have told you a little lie" Lizzie answers to Varian, repeating what she said to you. "You and Y/n are going to be competing together!"

Varian looks at you and you look away. He then looks back at the paper and writes his name next to yours. "There. That's how you wanted it right?"

Lizzie smiles and looks at you, then Varian, back and fourth. She nods, holding her hands below her chin, practically with stars in her eyes.

You know, doing something for a friend is always some that made her really happy. She kind of reminds you of Rapunzel. You smile back. So does Varian...

Varian turns around to look at you. He walks up to you and says, "So you're doing the Gopher Grab with me?"

Your heart skips a beat. 'He talked to me!' Your head rejoices. You space back into reality, and answer "Yep! That's me. Y/n..."

Varian smiles and you both wave goodbye to Lizzie who is actually not even going to watch. She's going home. You don't know why. She does go home way sooner than her curfew a lot, though you know she loves spending time with you and her friends. You should ask Varian if she does this with him, too.

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