Jealousy Part 2 (New/V2)

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A little bit later that day, Lizzie decides that you'll both end this day of fun... By entering the Goodwill Gopher Grab! Which sounds amazing, you and Lizzie, competing together in the Gopher Grab!

But after bringing it up, Lizzie has been acting a little strange... A little too excited, even for her. Maybe you just haven't been around her lately, but you still wonder if she's up to something...

But you don't voice your suspicions, besides, Lizzie's your friend. Whatever it is, it's probably something extra fun!... Right?

You and Lizzie hear the bells ringing. It's Gopher Grab time!

As you approach the Gopher Grab area, you hear an announcer starting the event "Attention ladies and gentlemen, it is nearly time for this year's Gopher Grab!"

"Oh! Quick, let's sign up!" Lizzie says, running backwards towards the tents, you giggle at her antic of running backwards.

You both run towards to a pink tent with purple vertical stripes. The tent has a table that separates the outside from the inside of the tent. On the table is some paper and a quill. The tent has a sign which reads "Sign-up", so you and Lizzie go there to... Sign up. You pick up the quill and write down your name.

"Y/...n. There we go." You say what you're writing out loud.

"Liz, write your name. C'mon, we don't have time to waste..." You say.

"Ohh, well... I might have told an, um, a small fib. I'm not competing with you."  You don't know who she thinks you're going to compete with, but whoever it is, she's been really excited about you two competing in the Gopher Grab together.

"Wait...Who is?" You ask, raising an eyebrow.

"He'll come any second now," Lizzie says, crossing her arms.

"He? A guy? Who-" You say, but you hear grass trample noises from behind you.

You turn around to look, and you see  the"him" Lizzie must have been talking about, running to where you are.

'Varian!!' You smile so wide, man, you've never been THIS close to Varian before! 'Oh my gosh! Liz, really?' You think.

He stops near Lizzie, out of breath. "Sorry," he says in between breaths. "...I'm late."

"Oh, it's okay! Hey, the grab hasn't started yet, you still have time!" Lizzie says to Varian.

"Oh, yeah. Time for... What, exactly?" Varian says to her. 'What does he mean "time for what", did Lizzie not tell him, either?' You think.

Lizzie takes his hand to drag him over to the signup paper. "The Gopher Grab, Var." He looks at the paper and processes what he's looking at.

"Oh!" He finally says.

Varian writes his name next to yours on the signup paper. "" He says what he's writing aloud.

Lizzie smiles and looks at you, then Varian, back and forth. Her smile only grows brighter.

'Wait!' You think. 'This really was Lizzie's plan the whole time... To have me and Varian compete in the Gopher Grab together?'

But Varian isn't so informed.

"So, Y/n," Varian says, turning over to look at you. "you're going to be competing with us?"

You don't say anything back. You're too busy just looking at his face... His blue eyes. His black hair. It's just like you always imagined, but so much better up close.

"Actually, I'm not competing. I'm going home." Lizzie says, bluntly.

You both oddly stare at her. You don't want to mess up or anything with Varian around, so you don't say a word. He seems to be trying to understand what Lizzie means.

Before either of you can say anything, Lizzie starts to walk away. "Bye! See you tomorrow, Y/- well, you too, Varian! Bye! See you tomorrow." Lizzie says, walking away as we just watch her leave.

"Hm. Well, I did not expect that." Varian voices your thoughts.

"N- no. Nope! Didn't expect that! Haha. Ha." You feel like you're forced to say, awkwardly, and stuttering.

"... So. You're Y/n? I think I've seen you somewhere before." Varian says, breaking awkward silence.

"Oh! Yeah. I'm Y/n~ I live in Old Corona, so..." You say quietly as you twirl your hair and look away, shyly.

"Well, I'm Varian. Nice to meet you!" Varian says, extending out a hand with the intention to shake yours.

You shake his hand and smile. 'Finally... I get to meet him in person!!!- What will my parents think? Will I ever see him after this? Should I tell my parents I met him?' You think, still shaking Varian's hand.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~End of Part 2 (A/N: Not story's final form) 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 11, 2023 ⏰

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