Jealousy Part 1 (New/V2.5)

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Y/n and her best friend, Lizzie, live in Old Corona. Y/n, that's you, have h/c hair and e/c eyes. Your friend, Lizzie has lime green hair and gray eyes. You and Lizzie have been great friends since you were both very young, but recently you've been spending less time around each other. 

You take trips to the castle, to visit your friend Princess Rapunzel whom you met in Corona one time near the fountain. She was painting on it, until she noticed you, and got excited as you're someone that Rapunzel hasn't ever met. You both got along well, so you decided to visit Corona more often to see her.

Lizzie, on the other hand, has been spending time in Old Corona with the mysterious "wizard" - who isn't actually a wizard, Lizzie always clarifies, but the townspeople call him that anyway. His real name's Varian - and you have always been jealous of the time Lizzie gets to spend with him.

Your parents never really wanted you to hang out with Varian since he's "dangerous", and you always object and say that Lizzie knows him and he's not! But they don't really listen. You understand they do this because they love you, but they just don't understand. They never will.


You and Lizzie are walking through Corona today. It's because today is the Goodwill Festival.

Lizzie is telling you about how she met Rapunzel, which apparently happened recently.  "Me and Var were working on some raccoon traps, a humane way to deal with the raccoon problem we have in Old Corona... But then we hear footsteps!"

Lizzie explains to you as you both walk through town. You don't like how she calls him "Var", pronounced "Vare", like Ware or Hair. You practically feel a twinge of jealousy every time you hear her say that nickname. Perhaps it isn't the nickname that bothers you, but the person that's saying it.

"So, Var gets this funny, intimidating outfit on, which I said is unnecessary but, you know..." Lizzie continues

"No, actually, I don't." you comment. Lizzie chuckles and says "I really need to introduce you two sometime!"

You nod, hoping that's the case - but you've never convinced your parents it's okay and you don't often find the right time to meet him without your parents knowing.

You and Lizzie listen as the king announces to a crowd of people "We have much to celebrate during this year's Goodwill Gopher Grab. Not only is this the 500th anniversary, but we commemorate this, Princess Rapunzel's very first festival."

The crowd cheers, you and Lizzie cheering along.

The King continues, "To mark this joyous event, our Princess has redesigned the Gopher Grab seal of Goodwill!"

Below where the King and Rapunzel are standing, the new Gopher Grab seal is revealed. In the center is a gopher, and around it is much of Rapunzel-style designs, like leaves and birds.

"Wow! It's beautiful. Rapunzel is a really good artist. You're lucky to have her as a friend." Lizzie says to you. "Yeah, well..." Your mind trails to Varian. 'You're lucky to have Varian as a friend' you think.

But you don't say it out loud, and instead reply "I guess she just got really, really good, being locked up in a tower with nothing else to do for so long."

You and Lizzie continue walking though town, and enjoying the festival together. This is the first time in a while that you've spent time together, just you and her.

But, no matter how hard you try, you just can't get Varian off your mind. You think you're crazy, always thinking about him even though you've never formally met. You have watched him from afar before, but you haven't ever really... Talked to him.

Other than the occasional wave, or the "Hello" when your paths cross, but then you leave, not having any time to talk as you're busy with something else.

Lizzie finishes her story about how she met Varian, and you continue through the streets.


You two both have a lot of fun, playing all sorts of games together. "It's been quite a while since we've spent this much time together." Lizzie says to you, after winning a game of Horseshoe Toss.

"Good game. Well, let's not waste this time, shall we not?" You say, as you both start another game.

"You first!" Lizzie's says, pushing you forward to the boundary line.

You pull back the horseshoe you hold, attempting to focus, but as you swing your arm forward to land the horseshoe on the middle short pole, you hear a sudden startling scream coming from the direction of the forest.

It knocks you out of proportion and you end up dropping the horseshoe.

On your foot! "OUCH! Ow!" You yell, so startled and confused at what just happened.

"Are you okay?!" Lizzie says, half-panicked, but seemingly not startled by the faraway screech at all.

"Ow. It actually isn't that bad, just off-putting, did you hear that?" You ask Lizzie, looking over her direction.

"Hear what?" Lizzie quickly says, before changing the subject. "Ooh, we should get some.. Ice, for your foot. Or something!" She then fast-walks off into the middle of the street, to supposedly find some ice for your foot.

'That was strange. That whole thing.' you think, before kind of limping over to catch up with Lizzie.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ End of Part 1

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