Chapter 1

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I hated Mondays, who didn't? It was the start of the 5 shitty days of the week, the only good thing was that my best friend was bringing a bit of her birthday cake which is my favourite.

Red velvet.

I love red velvet cake, always have, and always will. And if someone says red velvet is just chocolate cake, shut the fuck up. You are wrong and always will be. 

Anyways, I groaned as I rubbed my eyes, looking in the mirror. Whenever I usually wake up, my hair is never messy.

That's because it's straight, I love my straight hair but sometimes it makes me look weird considering how flat it is.

So after school, I'm getting layers.

I brushed my teeth and used mouth wash afterwards. Brushed my hair and applied a bit of make-up to cover up this one pimple on my forehead.

I walked into my closet and grabbed a white skirt and pink hoodie. Some cheerleaders liked to wear their cheer uniform all day, I didn't.

It's not that I didn't like my body in the short skirt and cropped top, in fact, I fucking loved my body. I just felt more comfortable in normal clothes, I mean I get dressed before practice so who cares. Plus it's not Cheer season yet.

Many girls did the same as me but yes, there were a few who liked to show of what they had achieved and I wasn't one to call them pick me's or attention seekers because some of the girls are the sweetest people in the world.

Like my best friend, she always wore her uniform but she is so nice, she's a big badass too.

I have two best friends, one is a cheerleader, the other runs track. Sporty group I guess.

I walked into the kitchen listening to the birds. I lived alone, my parents had died when I was 13 and I lived with my aunty up until I turned 17, I loved my aunty but I loved piece and quiet so I moved out and now I live in this little two room house.

I love little houses, they make me feel warm inside. Plus it was just me, why should I need something bigger when I live alone?

I grabbed a peach and chopped it up. I filled my glass of water and drank plus ate the food.

Then I grabbed my bag and headed outside. I grabbed keys out of my pocket and unlocked my door.

I played Lana Del Rey and had a peaceful drive to school, trying to get the motivation to actually want to go.

When I reached the school I parked and got out, locking my car and making sure to check it was actually locked before walking in the prison.

I sighed and took a breath whilst walking in the doors. There were the football team and cheerleaders hanging out together.

Like always.

Once my best friend saw me she yelled my name and they all turned around, excited.

I smiled at them and walked over, giving a hug to my best friend who was wearing her cheer uniform.

'Why does Jen always get the first hug?' I heard the familar voice of my boyfriend say from beside me.

'Because I'm her favourite. Dumbass' Jen said with a smirk. I rolled my eyes and gave Jacob, my boyfriend, a kiss on the cheek.

'Juliette!' I turned around and my other best friend, Lily came running over. She had running training or whatever in the mornings so she was sweating.

'Don't touch me' I smiled at her. She rolled her eyes and kissed my cheek.

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