Chapter 5

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Me: Don't you need the address?

Zia: I'll see you soon.

I swallowed, happy someone was there for me, even if they didn't care. I went to go look for Jacob and walked into a room. Jacob and Shelly were naked cuddling.

I slowly closed the door and let out a sob. What did I do to deserve this.

I know i said I wasn't sad and only upset but fuck, I was gone for 5 minutes. I felt cheap. Not worth anything.

'When are you just going to leave her?' Shelly groaned.

'Soon baby, soon' Jacob said.

'Daddy' Shelly mumbled. I gagged and ran outside. Stealing a muffin with me.

Just then a cat parked up. Aaron, without his glasses was driving.

I ran to the car and opened it. Wiping the wetness on my face.

I looked over at Axel and saw him wearing a black singlet that had thick straps. He was also wearing grey sweatpants.

I swallowed hard.

'What happened?' Axel drove away.

'I-its nothing' I sniffled, wiping my nose.

'Rose.' Axel said sternly. Maybe telling him would make me feel better.

Make he could help me. Make me feel better.

I would like that a lot.

'Y-you know boyfriend, Jacob?' I whispered. I heard Ax let out a small groan in annoyance.

'Sadly' Axel had one hand on the steering wheel whilst the other rested on the arm rest.

'I caught him fucking that bitch Shelly' A tear fell from my eye.

'Who's Shelly?' Axel raised an eyebrow. At first I was shocked then remembered how he doesn't talk to anyone and is new.

'Just a bitch, I've hated her since 5th grade' I rested my head on the window.

It was silent for a while. Not awkward though.

'You hungry?' He said. I looked at him, I've never seen him show any emotion.

'A little' just when I said that he used his one hand to turn the steering wheel and drove into the Mc Donald's drive thru.

I looked at him with a small smile. Aaron looked at me and rolled his eyes.

'What do you want?' He asked me.

'A six nugget happy meal please' I was hungry but I felt awkward to say how much I wanted. I eat a lot but I still somehow keep my slim body shape.

'What drink?' He asked. I smirked.

"Frozen raspberry please' I smiled at him. 

As Axel ordered we had to pay. I pulled out my card but Axel placed a hand on mine. I raised an eyebrow.

'You just got cheated on. Let me do this one thing for you' Axel mumbled, I looked into his eyes.

His brown eyes that I could now see a tint of green in them thanks to the light on the Mc Donald's screen.

I gave him a small smile.

'Thank you Axel' I whispered. When I said that he looked away instantly, moving his hips in the chair.

He drove up, paid and then we got our food.

He put the happy meal box on my lap. There was a smiley face on it. I wasn't feeling very smiley.

Axel drove off, a burger in one hand and the other on the wheel.

He made me feel safe for some reason. Like I could trust him.

'Um, can you take me to my friends house?' I asked him. He nodded.


'Lily's' I said. 'I'll give you the address'

When I gave him her address and he asked me to say it again, as if he didn't want to believe it.

I told him and he nodded slowly. He drove off to her house and we sat in silence, listening to music.

I wanted to listem to Lana Del Rey.

He doesnt seem like the kind of guy to listen to that.

'The cheerleadering trials start next week' I said trying ti start a conversation.

'Then I'm sure you'll do great' Axel breathed.

'Do you do any sports?' I asked.

He looked at me then back on the road.

'No' he said.

I bit my lip, he's not very good at keeping a conversation going.

I sighed and looked out the windoe hoping to find something interesting to distract myself from the sadness.

Axel let out a sigh. 'What sports do you do?'

A huge grin grew on my face.

'I just do cheerleadering' I said.

'Aren't you the leader of the group or whatever the fuck you call it?' Axel said, making a hard turn.

'I've been the captain for two years so yes, and I get to pick who will join so I'm kind of nervous. I mean what if I make the wrong choice and everything goes wrong because I didn't pick the right people because I felt bad and-' I stopped talking, realising how much I had said. 'Sorry' I chuckled.

'You'll make the right choice.' Axel pulled up to Lily's driveway and I turned to him.

'Thank you' I said.

'For what?'

'Making me feel better' I smiled at him as I opened his car door and walked away.

I knocked on Lily's door and Belinda opened it.

'Rose! Aren't you meant to be at the party?' She said. Then her husband came out, looked outside and slightly gulped, I turned around and saw Aaron's car still in the driveway. I turned back to the couple.

'You know him?' Belinda said.

'Yes, he goes to my school' I said as they let me in.

'Right' Belinda said. 'Well, Lily is in her room, just go up'

Belinda and her husband kissed my cheek and I walked up to see Lily and basically bawl my eyes out to her.

Yes I was very sad but I knew that one day I would get my revenge.

And that revenge wouldn't take long to come.

I will make it happen and I will watch as Jacob begs for me. Shelly cries.

I want to see their tears, not mine. I wanted to see them as soon as possible.

A/NI hope you enjoyed this Well boring chapter, sorryHave a good day and See ys in the next chapter!

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I hope you enjoyed this
Well boring chapter, sorry
Have a good day and
See ys in the next chapter!

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