Part 2: The Flock

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There's a trail way that leads to other trail ways that can lead to other towns, forests, lakes, etc; 

I decided I'd go to Chandelier City as I never been to a city before. In fact, I don't think I ever left town, ever.

One thing that I always needed was someone who could come with me. There was one reason everyone from Ronera Town didn't want to leave, they didn't wanna leave home.

I mean, people left to nearby Pokemarts, lakes to get water, or cities for supplies but they never wanted to go to a different region.

It's weird since i'm one of the few who actually left.

Suddenly, a flock of Pidgeys, Spearows and their evolved forms are flying east of my direction. Of course this would be normal, until I realized the Pokemon were trying to attack something on the ground.

I was in the middle of the forest, so it was hard to tell if it was another person, or an unfortunate Pokemon. Whatever the case was, the flock was approaching me at really fast speeds.

When I looked between the trees, it was hard to make out the figure in the distance. Eventually, I saw more of the features of whoever it was.

It had green hair, curled down to it's neck, a red fin on it's chest, a white gown, and green arms trying to swipe away at the flock. It wasn't a person, it was a Gardevoir!

It wasn't a Ralts, or a Kirila, it was a whole Gardevoir. It tried to use it's psychic powers to fend off against them, but there were too much for it to handle. 

It had a stressed expression on it's face, trying to run from the huge crowd of Pokemon chasing it. I couldn't be a bystander and do nothing, so I ran straight towards the Gardevoir.

When it noticed me, it seemed confused on why I'm here. It didn't matter tho, as it hid behind a tree.

Wondering where the Gardevoir went, the flock looked around, until they saw me. Panicked and worried, I reached for my repel and sprayed it over them, thus, forcing them to leave. 

From that, I was burned out, holding my knees and panting like I've just completed an intense work out.

The Gardevoir looked at me in disbelief wondering how I stopped an assault of birds attacking us.

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