Part 3: Encounter

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The Gardevoir stood behind the tree, interested on how I drove away those Spearows, Pidgeys, and their evolved forms.

Normally Gardevoirs would have more serious looks on their faces, but this one's an exception. It's face was like how a ten-year-old became the world champion. Pretty shocked.

I got up and looked around the place, wondering where I was. From the looks of it, it seems we ran far from the trail I was supposed to walk on.

I looked at the GPS on my Pokedex, but it had no signal. "That blows" I thought

I also realized that most of the supplies I had in my pack were gone. Great now I have no navigation, no communication, and my tummy is starved.

Luckily, I still had that bento lunch box Mom gave me, so I grabbed it from my pack, got my chopsticks, opened it up and...

A bush shook behind a tree. After that, the Gardevoir peeked from that tree. When I noticed, I wasn't too shocked since I knew that she'd be around here, so I kinda wave.

Not expecting my reaction, the Gardevoir blushed and had the courage to walk a couple steps to me. She was looking down with one arm holding the other. She had a couple of bruises, her hair was a little messed up to, and I think she shorter than me? Man i'm tall.

When she was about to look up to see me, she caught eye of my lunch. When she caught wind of my food, it's eyes perked up and she dazed off at the food, then suddenly.


A huge growl left it's waist with a bunch more growls, gurgles, rumbles and churns following. It was like she never noticed it. I immediately blushed afterwards.

It's tummy sounds were like a human's tummy except it sounded way better than that, it's tummy created heavenly growls from what I heard before.

I honestly wanted to sit and listen to it's belly but I gotta do the right thing at the moment. I went up to the dazed Gardevoir and lended it my lunch without thinking twice. I knew that I would starve really badly but I had to do it, besides, I do have a thing for tummies.

The Gardevoir snapped back to reality and realized what I was doing.

"Gardevoir?" it said in a calm, soft, and soothing voice

I nodded my head about giving her the food. She hesitated, but she came to full terms right after. She took the bento box and... (asked for some kind of fork, then) scarfed the whole meal down in a minute.

After that, she got up, went over to stand in front of me, and hugged me. I'm pretty sure my face went pink cause of that. It was in the moment too, so I hugged back I guess? Either way, something wet dripped on my shoulder the Gardevoir's head was on and It wasn't raining either.

She let go of me and quickly used some type of move to remove something from her eyes. But it was quick to the point where I couldn't see it.

As a thank you, she did a bow of some sorts, the one Japanese people do when they give their gratitude. After that she just kind of stood there with it's hands holding each other and look that says: "So what now?".

"Hey, so uh"

The Gardevoir's head dragged right, mimicking a Houndour when it sees something that's pretty odd.

"Right now, we're kind of lost and I have no idea how to get to the Chandler City now"

"But I think if we stick together, we could both make it to the city faster and probably unharmed. What do you think?"

When I said that last line, the Gardevoir was more than eager to go and had the most happiest expression I've seen on a Pokemon like that.

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