Part 4: First Night

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After the Gardevoir came along, it was already sunset. I figured that shelter and  some warmth might be our priority.

Gardevoir was pretty shy the whole time, she wouldn't look at me much and if I looked at her, she'd blush and look the opposite direction. It's pretty unusual how it would do that as Gardevoirs would be on their guard, focused and at the ready.

But she's different. She's kind of clumsy, she gets scared easily, oddly curious and obviously shy, it's pretty weird.

A half an hour passes and after no luck of any food or water, it became night.

Luckily, some of my camping gear were still intact. I had a lighter, a lantern, and some wood.

It took me a bit, but after setting everything up, we had some warmth, light, and shelter under the leaves and branches of a tree.

Normally, I was burned out from all that work. I turn around to the Gardevoir sitting on a rock and said:

"Hey, so uh"

Gardevoir looked at me with a "Yeah, what is it" look.

"I'm pretty sure we might be close to Chandelier City, but we're gonna need some sleep, so I'm gonna rest right next to the tree. You do you, okay?"

The Gardevoir nodded and started to sleep near the rock she sat on.

I went over to the tree log, layed right beside the tree and slept, lost and hungry.

While I was sleeping like a baby, the Gardevoir had trouble doing so. It was scared of the night so all it could think of is the danger that could happen.



The Gardevoir got up, took the nearest tree branch and held it like a sword.


She got frightened, wondering where the noise came from, until she realized, it came from where I was sleeping.
It was my tummy! It made growling, roaring, rumbling sounds like no other, the result of not eating for 3 days.

Gardevoir processed this, and instead of being scared. She blushed.

She doesn't know why, but she desperately, really wanted to listen to my belly.

Worried that I'd wake up, she slowly walked over to me, trying to make as little noise as possible. With each step, more growls erupt from my tummy, making her blush harder.

Finally, she got to where I was at. She kneeled down towards me, growls and churns were more fierce and her face was more pink.

She unzipped my jacket, lifted my shirt up, and revealed a white, soft, slim and squishy stomach that compares greatly with the best tummies in the world.

Gardevoir layed her head on my tummy, and was met with holy growls and rumbles that brings the legendary Pokemon to shame.

Gardevoir had found her love for tummies. It calms her mind, soothes her ears. It just makes her feel comfortable and cozy and she was able to sleep with a smile.

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