five. incendiary

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five. incendiary

To say that Tatum was avoidant of Harlan was an understatement

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To say that Tatum was avoidant of Harlan was an understatement. No text messages, no phone calls, no conversations whatsoever. But he understood that if he wanted to help stop the werewolf, he has to sacrifice his pride in order to do so.

"Hear anything?" he inquired of Harlan, who looked at him before turning away. Tatum saw the slightest hint of surprise in his eyes, supposing he hadn't foreseen Tatum speaking to him.

"Nothing," Harlan noted. The two stood in silence, waiting for Luna to join, which she did a few seconds afterward. Harlan spun the keys by the keyring before looking at the other two and saying, "Let's go."

Blake, Tatum, Luna, and Harlan waited at Everett's doorstep. The Navarro girl knocked on the white door continually, letting Everett know that they were waiting for him to open up. He opened the door before saying, "It's okay. They're gone."

"Did they find the cop?" Blake asked as soon as she stepped inside the house.

"My dad says he hasn't heard anything," Luna informed. "All Ramsey saw was the blood on the tree."

"They think he was drunk and probably hurt himself," Harlan added.

"If only," Tatum muttered as he followed them into the kitchen.

"But that was days ago," Everett reminded.

"And no one's found his body," Luna told.

"No one's found any body," Blake declared. "The cop's dead. My brother could've died too if Everett didn't get to him first."

"But why would it go after a little kid?" Harlan questioned.

"Because he hit me," Blake notified. "It's like you said. It's protecting us."

"Protecting its pack," Luna asserted.

"I got angry at Danny and grabbed him..." Blake trailed off. "And he hit me in the face."

"Maybe it was watching," Luna suggested. "It picked up on your emotions like how we picked up on Everett's anxiety."

"Then it definitely killed the cop for slamming my head against the wall, because I was pretty fucking pissed about that," Harlan confessed.

"When are you ever not pissed?" Tatum asked.

"When it comes to you... Never," Harlan shot back.

"So now, it doesn't wanna kill us, just anyone who threatens or hurts us?" Blake queried, getting back to the task at hand.

"What about Connor?" Everett asked. "He was bitten. Why isn't he a part of the pack?"

"Didn't you say his bite was different?" Harlan raised a question. "Like it didn't have the same effect?"

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