headcanons (because i'm bored)

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headcanons (because i'm bored)

Tatum absolutely loves to listen to Childish Gambino, The Weeknd, Billie Eilish, and Frank Ocean

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Tatum absolutely loves to listen to Childish Gambino, The Weeknd, Billie Eilish, and Frank Ocean. That's why Harlan lets Tatum have the aux when they are on long drives.

Cyrus is the peacemaker between the three of them. Tatum and Harlan are always arguing and "fighting", so Cyrus ends up breaking it up. Despite being the only human in the relationship.

Harlan is always the one to fall asleep first. Tatum takes pictures as evidence to make fun of him later. Which usually leads to them fighting and Cyrus having to break it up.

Tatum is always the littlest spoon while Cyrus and Harlan switch between middle and big, depending on if they want to hold or be held.

Harlan lowkey enjoys it when Tatum threatens people. If they're outside and, suddenly, Tatum gets into an argument with someone, Harlan's fully invested in it, and after a long amount of time passes, he will break it up.

Tatum wears all of their clothes. He doesn't care. If it's in their closet, he's wearing it. But he hates when they wear his because Cyrus is taller and bigger than him and Harlan never gives them back.

Tatum bites Harlan whenever he's bored or just wants to mess with him. He once did it to Cyrus and... Well, he was put in time-out, so he learned not to do it again.

Tatum is touch-starved, so he constantly has to touch Harlan or Cyrus whenever he feels he must. Cyrus doesn't fight it because he adores it. Harlan makes snarky comments about it but secretly enjoys it.

Harlan and Cyrus show up at Tatum's track meets and when Tatum's competing, they cheer the loudest out of all of the people in the bleachers.

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