Life is normal

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A house with a gloomy feel to it was in the middle of a forest with a flareon and vaporeon stood gazing on to the house, but something was off about these two eeveelutions the flareon wore a mask with a reactive face showing his emotions via the mask while the vaporeon didn't have a white fin around it's neck nor did it's skin look normal it was, oddly enough fluffy as If it's skin was layered with fur the only normal thing was they stood on their hind legs( in this world it's normal)

"so you said it's here flame" the vaporeon asked in response flame nodded his head" well if it's really that spooky of a job that even you had to get me to help it must be worth my time" the vaporeon stated coldly but that didn't bother flame as this was the norm for her to act like this

"so what was the thing that attack you?, must have been large to scare you" the vaporeon asked, flame then wildly did different signs to give her the idea of what terrified him to call her " A...spider, your kidding right" ,even though it seamed like flame did complete nonsense she still understood, but to her dismay she was correct a spider did scare him since he responded by wildly nodding " you got to be the most scaredy flareon I know, worse you refuse to talk normally" " oh shut is river" flame snapped back with a quiet yet strong voice " let's get this dumb mission over with, what even is it?" river asked only to receive even more hand signs " so to put it simply we need to clear the house from any and all wild pokemon that has set up a habitat any where close or inside of the building, since it's the mission's senders family heritage and needs to be kept in order to keep his family legacy intact" flame nodded in repones to river's great analysis of just a few hand waves" well let's get to killing"" NO!" flame interjected with his soft voice raised ever so slightly, river rolls her eyes in response " fine then, let's nicely escort the wild pokemon to a different place they can call home" river said the heavy emphasis on the wild pokemon part but that did not bother flame as he nodded his mask changing into a smile to show how he was not kidding with this idea "well then let's see how far that get us" river said with her eyes slowly glaring over to a pokemon in a bush eavesdropping on the conversation but did nothing to startle it since flame would most likely throw himself in front of bullet to save anything that poses no threat

"let's move now" river stated with urgency as she walks away with flame walking right behind her with a very pleased emotion on his reactive mask

As they slowly entered the building they are meet with multiple pokemon just staring at them with blank but fearful expresions as they see a vaporeon with a AMW sniper which is not the last thing they want to see" hewo we came here to help you all find new place to put your homes so just please cooperate with us and we can find you a better home" Flame stated with his soft caring voice and River stands there with barely any hope in this working and preparing to fight" so you won't hurt us...and take care not to hurt us"" i promise" Flame responded to the wild pokemon " then why do we need to leave is this your home or something" asked a pikachu " is that any of your fucking concern i think not " River snaped at the pokemon with her gun slightly raised but to her dismay Flame places his hand on her gun while pushing the gun slowly" let me answer you question, i apologize for my friend, but no it is not OUR home but it is some ones home and they asked me to clear this place the best i can since it's his family's dead fathers home and he wanted to revisit this place to relive his father...past?, sorry he really didn't make his reasons clear" the room went silent only broken when the same pikachu yelled out a second time " i will kindly uh fuck off". As the other wild pokemon started to agree with the pikachu saying why they need to leave an abandon house that he didn't care about until they came around but all was silenced when River fired a shot to the roof and began to speak" Look your lucky i wasn't here alone or you all would be died a long time ago your all lucky that my friend here is a very VERY nice mon","Aw thanks"," anyways as i was saying if he wasn't here i would have already blown your heads off so it's get out or get blasted your choice" River was done with their shit

"OK ok, we'll leave just please don't shoot", "wise choice, now get out". the wild pokemon slowly started to leave making sure to stay extra distance from River out of pure fear" you know i think that was a bit..much?" Flame questioned but River was not fazed in the slightest" they had it coming for not complying with your very nice request" River was now looking outside seeing the same pair of eyes that was watching them back outside as she stared the eyes down she get snaped back to her surroundings when she hears Flame on the phone," What do you mean your not paying us?, we..took to long but....ok then i..i understand" River snapped her head to Flame extremally fast and snatched the phone out his hand" you better pay us whether you like it or not and DON'T have me search for you or you WILL regret life itself.....good that you understand see you at the same place oh and fuck you hope you died" River then hangs up the phone and looks at Flame's shocked expression on his mask" look i have a plan we call all the wild pokemon back to the house, tell them to stay say we did our job, take his money and dip. Thoughts?" River asked as Flame ponders on her question, he looks up at her and smiles" who ever said we had to stop at such a lack luster plan"," oh?, is this that 'master prankster' i been hearing about" River said mocking Flame for his so called better plan" we blow up his house when he's right in front of it and then walk next to him and throw confetti in his face and say 'happy death day' and have all the wild pokemon we kick out the house slowly chase him and make sure he is scared for the rest of his life!" Flame said running his paw through his messy fluff on his head with his reactive mask showing his eyes turning into spinning circles" that is a sick twisted plan, i'm in fully" River said with a menacing smirk as they got ready to have revenge given to not only them but the wild pokemon

A flareon with a mask and a messed up lifeWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu