Clean up crew

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As we return to the newly formed team consisting of a fool, a gun fanatic, overprotective brother, and an average looking short zorua as this newly formed squad walks to their shared house they all stayed silent except for the hyper flareon for his newly gained friends mothing off for the whole walk home, at some point River had enough and punch him right in the gut but he never stopped he just got back and went back to yapping his mouth off.

" So where ya'll from star city?, cosmic town?, milky way city? " umm, we just live in the forest and we just get odd jobs to get by ", " Still angry about that striper job you took" Azeal said nonchalant while River and Flame had varying reactions " That's fucking cool you have to show me some moves when we reach home gotta learn one way and where better than a pro" River said while intently staring at Flame, As he shrugs off the odd stare filled with lust " How much were you payed" Flame asked actually interested in the topic " i rather not say this is a topic i DON'T like bringing up to new people that haven't really met me" Aroura said with a sad look in her eyes that the two eeveelutions saw quickly " Flame you're cooking the best fucking cake for these poor souls as a welcome into the their new home" River said with conviction to make them feel welcomed after not too long trying to kill them (guns are very dangerous when pointed to the head kids so never do that, like ever) "Funny that you have such a change of heart since you wanted them as MAIDS if i can recall", " The past is the past Flamey now mush and give me a piggy back ride or i will ride something else for you" River was looking at him with a stare that said it all so he wasted no time and pick up the pace and her since she asked ever so 'kindly' but the two siblings in the back trying to keep up with Flame wonder how he's able to carry River with no effort but yelling is too much of a strain for him " Didn't you say that he passed out from yelling sis", " Yeah he did but i have no clue how he's able to carry her so easily" Flame over heard them and yelled back to them to tell them something they really were not expecting " thighs make my blood flow faster so more power to my body when I'm 'stimulated' you can say or it's cuz she weighs like half the regular amount of a regular Vaporeon" As the siblings looked on as River knocked the absolute shit out of Flame, they had a small doubt about this but still pressed on with the two stopping the fight and making it home

"Home sweet home there's not a place like it" River stated with a happy smile but flame didn't have the same energy he seemed deep in though " Hey flame head you good your looking pretty deep in your own mind what's going on" Flame had no response to her words he only walked to the kitchen while mumbling something " You told him to make the best cake remember he's thinking real hard it looks like" Azeal said with a very hungry look on his face waiting for a cake out of this world (let's hope he doesn't ask River to give him cake or else that'll end in a very horny way to say the least) " I'VE GOT IT" Flame yelled as the sounds of metal clattering is heard as everyone peaked into the kitchen they see flame looking dazed and on the floor out of breath " i yelled a bit much, sorry if i scared ya'll" flame spoke in his normal soft tone, River walked over and helped flame back to his legs as his reactive mask shows a happy smile " I'm gonna make chocolate cake and it's gonna be the really good chocolate so hold your hats cause my cooking's gonna blow them right off" Flame was really happy but the two siblings were more worried about the large knife that found it's way into his side; that he was hold in place as to not bleed out "a-are you ok i don't think you could cook in that condition" Aroura had real concern about the state of their cooks condition " Look honey, this fuck head cooked with large sword right through his head and still cooked curry rice and ate it, he really doesn't care"

River really meant all that with the whole cooked through the pain and never really cared for himself proper but she has no power over what he does he had a hole blown through his stomach and he still cooked but later when to the pokemon center after same with the sword incident

"DONE!!" The lunatic finished cooking and now was calling everyone to the small dingy living room and sat everyone on the couch that had been peeling off and reeked of blood and despair but that never bothered River nor Flame but the evolution line had another opinion

"This couch is a bit recked ain't" Aroura said but her brother had no issue with it as he was keenly looking at the beautiful cake in front his eyes as he salivated waiting for the go ahead to dig into the chocolatey goodness " Go on eat up me and River will be at the pokemon center if you need us then....starve until we come back" Flame said obviously joking as he is limped over to the door by River " Just don't die on us" As they left Aroura took control of the situation

"Time to dig in"," Oh no you don't mister we have to make this place shine before they get back as a thank you for getting you out of jail, without need any good compelling information, and give us a home and food for the low cost of nothing other that a little labor so the food can wait" Aroura then yanks him right off the couch that reeks of blood " First off this should be clean really good so let's get started", " Your such a fun killer but sure let's go and hurry so i can eat"


"sir could you please tell me what did you do to cause this injure" The Audino asked with a voice that was holding back rage after fixing this flareon for the 100th time "ok you won't believe it this time, i was cooking right" Flame stated trying his best to word it as to not piss the Audino off anymore "go on", "and out of no where i feel from exhaustion and the knife feel and made the wound" Flame then look to his Doctor with fear of her being pissed anyways but luckily he didn't need to be place in "emergency surgery"

That's what the Audino calls it but Flame knows a bone saw should not be used on a little flesh wound (as dumb as he seems he at least knows that much)

As he left feeling better and River's pocket getting lighter they walked back to their home not expecting it to be a spotless clean house but here they are looing at it's shined polished glory

"so we did a little cleaning while you were gone, got your couch right back to the beautiful white it once was and clean all the other messes but we left you rooms out of it since we had a feeling we shouldn't do that" Aroura said with such a proud look in her eyes but as she gazed back at the two they just looked dumbfounded

"River you never told me the couch was white, i thought it was normally black" Flame said lost as this was the biggest shock to him "I-I never knew either i though the same as you"

well shit that was fun, for people who wants to know i take long on making this crap cuz i'm lazy af so soorry have a nice day tho

A flareon with a mask and a messed up lifeWhere stories live. Discover now